
The Bible : The Meaning Of The Bible

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The Bible is filled with many different spiritual and intellectual meanings. There are many different forms of how you can read and interpret the Bible. God wants you to fully come to know him through reading the Bible and learning about his divine revelation. There are many things in the Bible that I wasn’t familiar with before. The first thing that I learned is that there are many different ways of interpreting the meaning of the Bible. I learned that you shouldn’t just take the literal meaning of what it says. You should look deeper into the meaning/word of God. There are five ways of interpreting the Bible into its fullest form. I have come familiar with identifying these different type of interpretations within the Bible. Another thing that I learned is how to identify certain books within the Old Testament and New Testament. I can now say that I am more familiar with looking at a book and identifying it within its category of the Testament. Knowing these stories makes me more familiar with the context of them. For example, the book of Revelations. I can identify that the book is in the New Testament. I learned that it is about a time when Christians were being persecuted in the early age. It is very important to be familiar with this, because the Bible wouldn’t have come to be if all the Christians were persecuted. There was a time when someone has to have written the Bible to keep the tradition alive. Overall, my knowledge of the Bible has grown tremendously. I

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