
The Between Eastern And Western Medicine

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From the dawn of time healing has been influenced by many different issues, such as religion, politics of the time, different philosophies, and vested interest such as money. There had been conflicts between Eastern and Western medicine for a long time. Eastern medicine is viewed by many people in the West as having no validity and makes little sense to those who view the body in parts and pieces. Eastern medicine has long viewed the body as mind, body and spirit as one entity. To understand the ideas of each Eastern and Western medicine its history has to be taken into consideration
Hippocrates, a physician of Greece believed in scientific reasoning and the power of natural healing his belief continued until the 19th century (2300 years). During the second century Galan, another Greek physician was the first to promote the key to healing and soon every health problem were fit into a classification (as it is today). His ways were strict and only doctors had access to the healing knowledge. During the dark ages natural healing was embraced once more. The Arabs brought alchemy and pharmacy into Western medicine. They introduced new ointments elixirs, pills, suppositories, carcinogenics, and inhalations to the masses in the 12th century herbal pharmacies were common in every neighborhood. In the 16th century Paracelsus taught that alchemy and chemistry were a way to unlock the secrets of nature. Both the alchemist of his day, and the chemists of our day, adhere to the beliefs

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