
The Best Defense Against Security Breaches Within An Organization Network

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The best defense against security breaches within an organizations network is prevention and awareness. In recent years, organizations are starting to understand that network security is critical, due to the fact that breaches are becoming more frequent with data and information being compromised, stolen, or altered. In 2014, about 71% of organizations were affected by cyberattacks, and around 52% are expecting to be victim again in 2015 (Shephard, 2015.). A study recently conducted regarding cybercrime to the global economy, has estimated the cost at $1 trillion, with malware being introduced at 55,000 pieces per day (Bidgoli, 2015.). To help in prevention, organizations should keep their employees informed of new developing threats that could affect their technology that is being used, by creating awareness through forms security training. Recently, Ponemon Research conducted a survey consisting of 583 companies in the U.S., ranging from employee size of 500 to 75,000 (Bidgoli, 2015.). Ninety percent of those companies indicated that their organization had been compromised through computers and their network systems by hackers within one year. Sixty percent of the breaches reported, stated that two or more breaches happened within the last year and half indicated that there was little confidence in their organizations ability to avoid attacks in the future (Bidgoli, 2015.). Although time may vary when it comes to recover, security incidents caused a downtime of 8 hours

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