
The Benefits Of Organic Farming

Decent Essays

As we have been discussing in class, the debate on organic food has been rising. Many say that it is the way of the future, while many others say it is going back to the ways of the past. When synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are currently some of the most used things in farming today to help facilitate perfect growing conditions and increase yields, could it be possible for organic farmers compete with them? If organic farming were to become the go-to method of farming, we have to ask: Is organic farming globally sustainable? While there may be many ways to answer this question while looking at different aspects of the organic movement and their definitions, one answer in particular jumped out at me. Organic farming is not globally sustainable because it is not efficient enough to serve the global market. Sustainability is one of the top issues when it comes to farming today. Farmers need to consider the effect they are having on their land when using certain practices and products. For this reason, it is important to remember that organic and conventional farming both require extensive work to maintain their products and to provide for the consumer. As we have seen in Steven Shapin’s essay “What Are You Buying When You Buy Organic”, in where he references Michael Pollan talking about “Asparagus, which had been grown in Argentina, [and] air-freighted six thousand miles to the States (433)”, the role of the consumer is not limited to those in

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