
The Benefits Of Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana is a preparation of the Cannibas Sativa plant. Though there are many different developments of the Cannibas Sativa plant, marijuana is the most widely consumed variation. Marijuana is formed when leaves and female flowers of the hemp plant are dried. When smoked, marijuana produces over two thousand chemicals that enter the body through the lungs. These chemicals have a variety of immediate short- term effects, which produce both psychological and physical reactions. The psychological reaction known as “high” consists of changes in the users feelings and thoughts. Such changes are mainly caused by the psychoactive constituent, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC has mild to moderate analgesic effects. General effects include, but …show more content…

Cannabis has an extensive history of varying usages. Studies reflect that prior to prohibition, usage of marijuana includes industrial, medicinal and therapeutic applications; however, today it is mostly used for recreational and medicinal purposes. According to the federal government, it is currently illegal to possess or cultivate marijuana in the United States; yet, it is the third most popular consumed substance behind alcohol and tobacco. Marijuana is freely used in the United States until 1937 when it is banned in forty-seven states. This ban emerges as a result of the augmented usage due to the 1920s amendment that outlaws alcohol. In some states, marijuana is already legal, though it is not legal nationally. One of the most impassioned and frequent debates that occur today is whether or not marijuana should be legalized in the state of Texas. Indeed, marijuana should be legalized in the state of Texas because of its medicinal purposes, economic benefits, and …show more content…

According to studies performed by Jeffrey Miron, “the possible impacts of drug legalization, state and local governments in the United States spend an estimated $25 billion annually enforcing the marijuana prohibition laws. Taking into account money spent on the police force, court system, and corrections system used in enforcing marijuana prohibition, it is clear that states spend far less money where marijuana is decriminalized. In 2010, for example, the Texas state government spent more money on marijuana possession prohibition than any other state, with an estimated $251,648,800.5” (Scherf). As a result of legalization, the state sees a rapid decline in arrests from marijuana related offenses, saving money from the reduced need for law enforcement for marijuana prohibition. Resources currently being used to apprehend and prosecute marijuana users and distributors are utilized to fund a broad assortment of more important initiatives. Not only does the impact of legalization of marijuana help save the government on law enforcement expenses; but it also generates large sums of tax revenue from the market supply and demand of the newly legalized product. “Harvard University economist Jeffrey Miron has calculated that it could save the nation at least $13 billion annually in law enforcement costs and generate more than $6.7 billion in revenue, assuming cannabis were taxed

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