
The Benefits Of Gentrification

Decent Essays

I am writing this letter not only as a call to action, but as a proposal to compromise on a domestic issue that seems to be spreading across urban areas of New York City. Unfavorably connotated as the displacement of poor people by well off newcomers, gentrification can be illustrated as the influx of richer people in a predeveloped urban region, a rise in rent and estate rates, and modifications in regions cultural identity. If I may remind you of a statement you made prior to obtaining a seat in office: “I see people suffering and feeling like they’re losing their grip on the place, and my job is to help New Yorkers live in New York.” (Goldberg) Is it really fair to place out individuals that, in most cases, have occupied their home and …show more content…

Gentrification has brought conflict in numerous major cities in America, including New York City, usually involving issues of race and finance. The alteration of communities has been viewed as the malfunction of society, where rich predominantly white folk are praised for making a district “better”. It is in these same neighborhoods where minority occupants are forced to leave their homes due to inflamed rents. People should not be forced to move out of their homes with the intent of “improving” the neighborhood. (Flag Wars) Gentrification also gives rise to a moral standpoint for poor communities: is it really humane to knock down a building occupied by the working and lower income families with the intent to build a business that you are so certain will be a success? If you want to bring in more businesses into the area, do not do it at the cost of residents. Evacuating residents leads to retracting them from the culture built within the city. The bond formed between neighbors, business owners, and local pedestrians all makeup the identity the city carries. By accepting an influx of newcomers and forcing the evacuation of longtime residents, the cultural recognition of the city will definitely be changed. Probably the most vital question to ask yourself before approving increased rates of gentrification within New York City is where is everyone going to live? New York City, specifically the Manhattan borough topping the list just above the Brooklyn borough and San Francisco,CA, is the most expensive city to live in in United States. Displacing residents would definitely not guarantee them housing and increasing property taxes on homes and businesses would belittle the city. Businesses and dwellers that once thrived as a

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