
Maritime War Essay

Decent Essays

Maritime wars took a noteworthy change amid the common war. On March 8 1862 the Confederates revealed a ship that would change maritime fighting everlastingly, making wooden body ship outdated. The Confederates set two layers of steel plate over the structure of the "Merrimack", situated ten firearms along its side and included a smash her bow. This resilient ship in its first fight, in the harbor of Hampton Roads assaulted five Union boats. The "Merrimack" renamed the "Virginia" sank one Union boat, exploded another ship, and made a third run ashore. No shots could infiltrate her shield. The unexpected thing was the Merrimack was left to sink after the Union naval force cut gaps into it. The "Virginia 's" grandness did not keep going long. She was a frigate that was surrendered by the Union naval force, and adjusted with steel by the Confederates naval force. She was a moderate boat controlled by two old motors. It took thirty minutes just to turn her around. Three months earlier from the assault at Hampton Roads harbor the Union naval force was building an iron clad boat they could call their own, the "Screen". Composed by John Ericsson, this boat was assembled without any preparation in just three months. This boat included a spinning turret, had two eleven inch weapons and was controlled by an assistant steam motor. She was twice as quick as the "Virginia" and a great deal more flexibility. On March 9, the day after the triumph of the "Virginia" at Hampton Roads

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