The Automated Testing Handbook
by Linda G. Hayes
The Automated Testing Handbook
The Automated Testing Handbook About the Author Introduction Why automate? When not to automate How not to automate Setting realistic expectations Getting and keeping management commitment Terminology Fundamentals of Test Automation Maintainability Optimization Independence Modularity Context Synchronization Documentation The Test Framework Common functions Standard tests Test templates Application Map Test Library Management Change Control Version Control Configuration Management 1 3 3 4 8 9 10 15 17 19 20 22 23 25 26 29 30 32 32 37 39 41 44 44 45 46
Selecting a Test Automation Approach Capture/Playback Structure Advantages Disadvantages Comparison
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So if you don’t have enough people or time to perform adequate testing to begin with, adding automation will not reduce software instability and errors. Since it is welldocumented that software errors – even a single one – can cost millions more than your entire testing budget, the first priority should be first to deliver reliable software. Once that is achieved, then focus on optimizing the time and costs. In other words, if your software doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter how fast or cheap you deliver it.
Page 4 The Automated Testing Handbook
Automated delivers software tests provide three key benefits: cumulative coverage to detect errors and reduce the cost of failure, repeatabililty to save time and reduce the cost to market, and leverage to improve resource productivity. But realize that the test cycle will be tight to begin with, so don’t count on automation to shorten it - count on it to help you meet the deadline with a reliable product. By increasing your coverage and thus reducing the probability of failure, automation can help to avoid the costs of support and rework, as well as potentially devastating costs. Cumulative coverage It is a fact that applications change and gain complexity over their useful life. As depicted in the figure below, the feature set of an application grows steadily over time. Therefore, the number of tests that are needed for adequate coverage is also constantly increasing.
Just a 10% code change still requires
Testing of the entire system will be performed to verify that all parts and counterparts are functional. This is the testing that is made prior to release. Tests performed in this stage verify for the following:
This chapter focuses on conducting the test case on each software unit and showing the obtained results in the form of snapshots taken where each snap describes the process being done.
Test Plan: The software is tested using two levels of testing viz. black box testing and white box testing. White box testing could be carried out in three different phases viz. unit testing system/integration testing and validation testing. • Unit Testing: Unit testing, also known as Module Testing, focuses verification efforts on the module. The module is tested separately and this is carried out at the programming stage itself.Unit Test comprises of the set of tests performed by an individual programmer before integration of the unit into the system. Unit test focuses on the smallest unit of software design- the software component or module. Using component level design, important control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. Unit test is white box oriented and the step can be conducted in parallel for
Testing is the next phase of the implementation phase. A comprehensive testing program includes a stepwise process starting with unit testing, followed by testing of group components called integration testing and concluded with entire systems test (Satzinger et al., 2004, p. 640). Individual units or modules are tested prior to integration with more advanced modules, using driver modules. Once a set of modules are put together, integration testing can take place. These test include checking for interface compatibility, run-time exceptions, parameter values and unexpected state interactions (Satzinger et al., p. 644-645). Jeff Theobald suggests that an effort should be made to concentrate not on just errors in a single application or module, but also the system as a whole and between systems (Theobald, 2007). After these tests are completed, the project goes on to system testing. System testing often involves daily “build and smoke” tests, where the system is set to run and is observed for “smoke” or errors (McConnell, 1996). The TPI credentialing system was tested in this manner. The project made it through the first two testing
Lead a database QA automation program including defect triage, release readiness process, which helped reduction in testing and release cycle from 8 weeks to 4 weeks.
Programming testing is the methodology of executing a program or framework with the purpose of finding faults. Testing is a procedure of affirming that item is working as per the requirments, fulfilling the client needs. Programming testing gives a way to decrease errors, cut maintenance and general programming costs. Various programming testing strategies, techniques, and systems have developed in the course of the most recent couple of decades promising to improve programming quality. Programming testing is vital part in the product development life cycle. Two regular methodologies are white box testing and discovery testing. There are diverse scope measure for testability to the source code, for example, statement coverage, branch coverage and condition coverage. In the branch coverage we ensure that we execute each branch in any event once For conditional branches, this implies, we execute the TRUE branch in any event once and the FALSE branch in any event once conditions for conditional branches can be compound boolean expressions a compound boolean
Automated Regression Tests – which tests the system to analyse if any changes to code have broken previous working
Concordion tests are written in HTML and then instrumented with special attributes that Concordion interprets to execute the test. Rather than forcing product owners to specify requirements in a specially structured language, Concordion lets you write them in normal language using paragraphs, tables and proper punctuation [7]. This makes the specifications much more natural to read and write, and helps everyone to understand and agree about what a feature is supposed to do. The HTML files are typically stored with the source code, which has the benefit that they can be under the same version control system as the rest of the code. Concordion enriches agile processes and has been successfully applied in industrial context.
Test track is a cross-platform issue management solution which tracks and manages the defects, feature requests, change the requests. It creates, manages thousands of test cases, prints and distributes test case instructions to manual testers. It improves the team collaboration by streamlining the testing lifecycle with automatic assignments and notifications. It also customizes the workflow to follow the QA process. It keeps track of who performs the test, what tests are performed, on which platform, which configuration and in which language. Test track is a great tool to track bugs and maintain test
Extensive testing experience with QTP, Win Runner, Quality Center for Quality Center and Load Runner. Extensive experience in creating, modifying and enhancing both manual as well as automation Test Scripts created in Automation tools QTP, Win Runner and Load Runner.
Automated testing will actually add more flexibility to the development process, as the developers will be able to run the script to see if any defects were caused from the code changes, and they will be able to fix them immediately, instead of relying on another quality assurance analyst to review the code changes after they have been finalized and find the defect. There are other benefits to creating automated testing, such as creating less of a reliance of key developers and creating an environment where developers feel comfortable changing existing code (as the tests will catch the breaks). It ensures that current code is not defective and future code will not be defective and it limits the need for costly manual testing (Vaaraniemi, 2003). EXOS is the future of ServiceLink. It is essential that the scripts are created and updated to guarantee that all releases for changes within EXOS are ran as effortlessly and efficiently as possible.
Develops and implements organized, maintainable automate testing scripts for.NET applications with either browser or win form-based user interfaces.
Each component of our project will be tested multiple times, by each user. This will eliminate programming bias, and make for a more robust project.
The quality and reliability of software today is expected to be extremely high. Software is being included in engines of automobiles, robots, x-ray machines at hospitals; it is no surprise that software is expected to operate correctly almost all the time. This reliability comes at a cost of increasing complexity. With the increase in complexity, software development teams are getting larger and maintenance is becoming more difficult. Although developers are dealing with these problems project dates are still very rigorous and projects can seem impossible to complete on time. Due to these problems, software development costs are rising which is increasing the cost of software for consumers. Without new practices to develop software
The advantage of an automation framework is to provide support for automated testing is the low cost for maintenance. It needs to update only the test case file if there is any change in the test case, the scripts will remain the same. Only we have to choose the right framework techniques to help in maintaining lower costs.