
The Authentic Life In Death Of Ivan Ilyich

Decent Essays

Lewis Carroll once said, “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have and the decisions we waited too long to make”. In the “Death of Ivan Ilych” by Leo Tolstoy, the author highlights the big idea of the artificial life which is represented through everyone in Ivan's society and job. The authentic life is represented by Ivan’s Russian peasant. The theme is to live the right authentic life, and it is expressed when Ivan falls down the ladder, and wrong things both Ivan and his wife value. Ivan Ilyich has a moment of silence and reflects about his life. At one point, it gets to Ivan Ilyich that it might be true that he has not spent his life as he should have done. “It occurred to him that what …show more content…

And his professional duties and the whole arrangement of his life and of his family, and all his social and official interests, might all have been false” (Tolstoy 32). Here, the third person omniscient indicates that what Ivan has been living his whole life to satisfy society and live according to society was a false thing to do. Tolstoy, the author, illustrates that Ivan has finally realized the truth. He has been living an artificial life, marked by shallow relationships, self-interest, and materialism. It is insular, unfulfilling, and ultimately incapable of providing answers to the important questions in life. The life Ivan lived is a deception that hides life's true meaning and leaves one terrified. Ivan has finally seen the truth for himself that he was blind from. For example, after taking a quick look at everyone, listening to every word, and seeing their movement Ivan could confirm the truth. “In the morning when he saw first his footman, then his wife, then his daughter, and then the doctor, their every word and movement confirmed to him the awful …show more content…

He seems to care a lot about what others think of him and is very superficial. For example, one day Ivan was decorating his house and he made a false step, slipped, and fell. “He was so interested in it all that he often did things himself, rearranging the furniture, or rehanging the curtains. Once when mounting a step-ladder to show the upholsterer, who did not understand, how he wanted the hangings draped, he made a false step and slipped, but being a strong and agile man he clung on and only knocked his side against the knob of the window frame.” (Tolstoy 12). Here, Ivan, was interested in rearranging the furniture, rehanging the curtains, that he made a false step and fell. Tolstoy highlights the fact that Ivan values the wrong things in life. He is focused on pleasing society, and living based on high class standards. Ivan seems to care about what other thinks of them. Ivan’s wife, Praskovya Fedornova vales the wrong things in life as well. For example, after dinner, Fedornova told Ivan that she was going to the theatre with the family.” After dinner, at seven o'clock, Praskovya Fedorovna came into the room in evening dress, her full bosom pushed up by her corset, and with traces of powder on her face. She had reminded him in the morning that they were going to the theatre” (Tolstoy 27). Here, Ivan’s wife, Praskovya Fedorovna reminded Ivan that she is going to the theatre with the family. Tolstoy,

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