
The Australian Economy

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This report will detail the state of the Australia economy using key economic indicators, and provide an analysis and pinpoint any economic problems. Using this information it will further provide recommendations how to apply the monetary policy in the short and medium term to help the Australian government achieve its main economic objectives. Finally it will state the effects of these recommendations using three outlined economic criteria. Economic indicators and models The monetary policy is the way in which the monetary authority of the country, such as, the reserve bank, controls the supply of money. In simple terms the Reserve Bank of Australia manipulates the amount of money the consumer has left over after satisfying his/her needs. …show more content…

Economic State of Australia The Australian economy has continued to grow at a moderate pace and activity is rebalancing away from the resources sector towards non-resource sectors. Even though the available data suggest that GDP continued to grow at a below-trend pace over 2016, employment growth was above average and the unemployment rate fell by around ½ percentage point. In part, employment growth appears to have reflected the relatively strong growth of output in the more labour-intensive sectors of the economy, such as household services. Growth of goods-related production has picked up more recently, but remains modest overall. The Australian economy is performing reasonably well, as noted by the Treasurer: “At three per cent, our economy has grown faster than the world’s major advanced economies, faster than the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan and Germany. We are growing more than twice as fast as Canada, faster than New Zealand and Singapore, and matching it with economies like South …show more content…

Based on the evaluation of the health of the current Australia economy the RBA board needs to take an expansionary stance in the short term and the long term, although in the long term in needs to be less so. Meaning that over time the measures taken need to be slowly reduced. The significants of this is that it would give the economy a ‘boost’ or stimulate economy growth in the short term, and over the long term offering a balanced economic state of health. This will effectively help the Australian Government achieve its main

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