
The Australian Association Of Social Workers (AASW)

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This paper will review and critically evaluate a submission by The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). Being put forward to the Senate Education, Employment and workplace Relations Committee in 2012, in reference to “the adequacy of the allowance payment system for jobseekers and others, the appropriateness of the allowance payment system as a support into work and the impact of the changing nature of the labour market.” (Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Reference Committee, 2012).
To critique the AASW Submission it is essential to identify views on poverty historically and presently within Australia. Key problems and issues put forward the coherency of key arguments possible counter arguments to the ones presented …show more content…

Relative poverty can only exist where there is inequality. nevertheless this does not mean that inequality and poverty are identical as not all forms of inequality will indicate relative poverty, only those in which individuals or groups fall well below the average. ASB(1996). Poverty alleviation is a central aim of economic and social policy, and yet there is no consensus about what poverty means or how it is best measured Thye measurement of poverty itself can have several risk factors with poverty measures such as the oldest and most widely used is that of income deprivation where the poverty line is the required disposable income needed to meet peoples basic needs. Saunders (2005) In Australia, we measure poverty can be defined by The proportion or number of those who earn below a set poverty line. This poverty line can be determined as relative meaning in relation to everyone else’s income. This increases as income increases. A fixed poverty line usually increase with inflation also known as the Henderson Poverty line, which was adopted concluding the report of the Commonwealth Commission of Inquiry into Poverty in 1974. More recently poverty has be calculated as being below 50 per cent of the median household income. This measurement tool is used by the Australian Council on Social services (ACOSS) which is a peak body for non-government welfare groups. Baum & …show more content…

With objectives surrounding social justice, changes to social policy and structures promoting equilaty, social inclusion and redressing social disadvantage. The AASW have addressed a number of issues of concern relating to the adequacy of the allowance payment system for job seekers and it’s appropriateness of the allowance payment system as a support into the work place, and the impact of the changing nature of the labour market. Amongst the reform concerns is the believe that the current newstart mutual obligations is highly categorised and discriminated between individuals seeking support. This is supported by ACCOSS (2012) finding that 60% of Newstart Allowance recipients have received the payment for over 12 months. One out of every three Newstart Allowance recipients is aged over 44. One out of every six recipients have a ‘partial work capacity’ (disability), meaning they can only work part time, but do not qualify for a Disability Support Pension. One out of every 15 recipients are a sole parent. Two out of every five recipients have less than Year 12 education. This demonstrates how diverse people on the newstart allowance are. Masking questions concerning how employable are many people on newstart especially those with

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