
The Armenian Kingdom Of Cilicia

Decent Essays

The rise of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia begins with the relationship between Armenians and the Byzantine Empire. In the broader regional conflicts of Central Asia, the Byzantines wielded massive military power, which provided a way for Armenians to adapt to differing ways of life through the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire and the rise of Islamic invasions of the 7th century. The clash between Muslim and Christian Europeans became part of a larger issue for Armenian Cilicians, when the Rubenid Dynasty had to adapt to Byzantine political power, which made them natural allies with the Christian Crusaders. This aspect of military and political alliances allowed them to set the foundations of becoming a “kingdom” in the 1080s:
From the first, the Crusaders-who included among their numbers clergy and merchants as well as military men-sought out Armenians as guides, purveyors of supplies, and soldiers. As the strongest Christian military leaders in the region, the …show more content…

The Mamluks gauged the vulnerability of the Cilicians by making a bold invasion plan, which allowed them to conquer the region when Hetum was absent and his sons could not stave off the attack. This defines the final error of political judgment by Hetum I, which illustrates the political submission policies that eventually caused the destruction of the kingdom. Armenian Cilicia would now become part of the larger Mamluk Empire, yet without any of the sovereignty or kingdom status that it had enjoyed under the Crusaders and the Mongolian occupation. Certainly, the foreign policy initiatives of Armenian Cilicia defined a temporary balance of power in order to retain their sovereignty, but ultimately, they did not have a strong military force that would allow them independent forces to protect themselves from multiple invaders in Central

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