
The Argument Of God's Existence

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The Argument of God’s Existence What is God? Simply we can say that god is our creator, he is the one that created this universe and all the living beings. He is almighty and has knowledge of everything. But for decades, there has been different arguments for explaining the theory of god’s existence. Although different religions might see god in different perspectives, the main concept of god is almost the same in every religion. God is a fragment of our belief (Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-). We are a very curious species. We want to define everything by logic. It's not just this decade, mankind has been looking for logical explanations of various events since its dawn. Therefore, the biggest mystery or question that comes to our mind is "who created this world and all the living beings in it?" Thus, emerged the concept of God. People started believing that we were created by a superior being, and different religions were built around this concept. In this paper, we will discuss various arguments surrounding the existence of God.

The argument of change was the first argument that had emerged to prove the existence of god. This argument talked about the logic of constant change in living beings. How does a newborn baby turn into a six-foot-tall fully grown person? Who generates all these changes? The entire …show more content…

This argument claims that god created this world on pure moral perspective. It believes that god created us with free will and he gave us the will and the power to build or develop ourselves. So, we as humans, have to learn to be moral in any aspect of the society. Believers of this argument see’s the problem of evil as a good thing, and believes them to be a necessary evil. They believe that god must allow pain, suffering, and evil to come in this world for us to learn how to moral and these sufferings and evils bring about the good morals in us (Titus, Craig

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