
The Apartheid Of The South African Apartheid Essay

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“Canada’s Apartheid” which can also be known as Canada’s Indian Act of 1876. This system of racial intolerance inspired the South Africa’s oppressive regime and lead way to the better-known Apartheid in South Africa. However, since the South African Apartheid was based on our model shouldn’t it simply be known as “The Apartheid”? It is interesting to note the varying global images each of these tragic systems have had. As a student, born and raised in Canada, it is deeply troubling that I first learned about the South African Apartheid before I learned about Canada’s. It is therefore, fascinating to see how the South African Apartheid created a global awareness and gained support against the system of segregation while the Indian Act opponents where silenced and the world failed to notice. Both political systems of discrimination where based on race, both had detrimental compounded effects on current and succeeding generations. While all groups of race where segregated, not all groups where segregated evenly. Throughout this paper I will be looking to examine the similarities between the Coloured group of the Apartheid and the Metis Nation of the Indian Act.

South Africa’s Apartheid
Segregation between white and black long preceded the apartheid, however, this remained the prime objective in the creation of the apartheid state. This system created a racial hierarchy which started with franchise restrictions imposed by the Parliamentary Registration Act of

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