The ‘Trio’ are three qualified (bachelor of communications) designers who have come up with a hit bi-monthly animation, “The Gibbons”. It is comprised of two distinctive characters and has raised a cult following of cartoon fans aged fourteen to twenty-three while being free to view. The two characters from the animation are very unique and portray a style that has made the animation and instant classic. Each member of the trio is an animation artist and they evenly distribute the workload. From a managerial perspective, it is important to protect the Trio’s intellectual property. In this essay I will take on a managerial perspective and analyse copyright, creative commons, and trademarking/passing off to find out the most suitable protection for the trio’s intellectual property.
The Trio’s creative output could potentially be copyrighted to protect their intellectual property. For starters, they and their product meet the four main conditions to satisfy for copyright protection; the item must be copyrightable, the item must be sufficiently copyrightable, the author must be a qualified person, and the item must exist to some extent of tangibility (Bainbridge, D. 2006). Because the animation itself is uploaded on the internet, it is considered tangible and therefore subject to be copyrighted. The three members of the Trio have graduated from a bachelor’s degree in communications, which covers a range of topics including visual material. This means that they are qualified to
Robert Sapolsky is a neuroendocrinologist who wrote about his twenty years of work out in the national park of East Africa. Sapolsky’s turned his adventure into a novel, A Primate 's Memoir: A Neuroscientist’s Unconventional Life Among Baboons, where he discusses the life of baboons and how they are similar to humans. I will analyze Sapolsky’s novel by explaining the complex social hierarchy he witnessed and discuss the ways in which the social hierarchy and rank system among baboons might compare to that of humans. I will then analyze how studying non-human primates in a natural setting is valuable, and will also explain how the scientific study of these non-human primates ultimately provides insight into not only our evolutionary past
journey. Two of the inner forces that hinder Jay Berry is his fear of the
In The Jungle, Author Upton Sinclair uses Jurgis, the main character of the book, as an example of what the common working man’s life was like. Jurgis, along with all his family are Lithuanian immigrants, who just immigrated to the U.S. Not knowing the foreign culture, they were hired by a meatpacking plant. This plant, ran by corrupt politicians, applied strict rules and regulations; not reimbursing/paying their workers enough, long hours, etc. Jurgis joined a Union, after realizing he should fight for his rights as a laborer. Sinclair’s opinion about labor rights was, that the common working man should fight for, and be granted more rights to increase their chance of supporting their families.
ATTENTION: you must complete 5 journal entries. MAKE SURE that you are ANALYZING, not summarizing!!! Your analysis MAY NOT have the word “quote” in it anywhere, nor should you start your analysis with “this shows,” or “here Douglass uses.” Instead, indentify the ACTION that is taking place in terms of language. If you see a biblical allusion, type “Douglass employs biblical allusion to emphasize…” or something similar. You may NOT use first (“I,” “me,” “we,” “us”) or second person (“you”). Also, you should not begin every sentence
Truth be told, Sinclair demonstrates that the working environment security was greatly low and representatives were at the high danger of harm similar to the instance of Jurgis companions, relatives and Jurgis himself. In the meantime, the damage of laborers frequently implied the loss of employment that demonstrates that the mid 20th century specialists were not secured in their rights. Now, it merits specifying the way that lawful demonstrations that legitimately secured representatives, who endured wounds or had incapacities, were presented just in the late 20th century, for instance the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Consequently, the carelessness of managers and absence of worries about their representatives' wellbeing was a standard in the US in the past and this disposition has
senses in the twelfth hour when she climbs high into the trees early one morning
Three years old, and three feet of intelligence, wonder, sass, and much more. Kingston is similar to many other kids around the age of three, he likes to play, he likes to ask questions, he likes to smile and be happy. As a supportive older sister, seeing him experience these things I get great joy, but I also question how all these experiences assist his physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development. I only want him to flourish, but how do these things go about helping him advance in these stages? That is why I decided to get a more indepth view of his actions, feelings, and words, and observe him for this project. This helped me get a clear perspective of which stages of the various developments he is at, and compare it to how far he’s come, and what he will accomplish in the future.
The plaintiff claims that Mr. Faden is guilty of copyright infringement, from the mash up of numerous disney productions for the use of educational purposes of copyright and how the law works. I'm here today to defend Professor Faden, because i can prove that he is in fact innocent.
Copyright is the legal right, to an inventor to perform, print, publish, film, or record artistic, literary, or musical material, and to allow others to do the same. Copyright law was developed to provide the creators and inventors of any works with powerful and effective rights of exclusivity over their creations (Patterson & Lindberg, 1991). Over the past, these rights were almost unlimited. People would use existing developments as if they were their own without any regard of the creator’s exclusive rights. The need to balance and limit such rights arose, and governments established these limits for the general good of the public.
To answer this, Copyright Law must be understood. Copyright Laws protect intellectual property, and ownership rights. Artists can control their content by selling, leasing it or giving it away. Artists can grant permission for their work and have the freedom to charge. It encourages creativity, and protects the creativity by keeping it exclusive to the creator which allows profit. Mass media embodies the Copyright content,
Clearcutting is the custom of cutting down a large group of trees in one area and then growing new trees in their place. Clearcutting has the most impact on the aquatic cycle. It can also intensify the danger of flooding. Tree roots trap the topsoil and when a tree is cut down it allows the topsoil to run off into streams and/or rivers. This also allows streams and rivers to heat up, which allows algae and bacteria to grow. This in turn with the temperature increasing, will destroy the fish and other inhabitants in the stream or river. Clearcutting doesn’t just affect rivers and streams it also disturbs the habitat of the animals that live there. Some animals must move to other parts of the forest, which could be good or bad. It just
In the short story entitled “Gryphon” by author Charles Baxter, the author begins to formulate a storyline about a young boy named Tommy and his experience with his new substitute teacher, Miss Ferenczi. Miss Ferenczi being a new substitute teacher in Five Oaks, Michigan provides Tommy’s class with a unique atmosphere. Ferenczi’s personality and teaching methods are particular features newly encountered by Tommy. Moreover, Miss Ferenzi’s is presented as a strange individual amongst Tommy’s class because of her attire and the two lines present across her face. Tommy and other classmates begin to alter their perspective on Miss Ferenczi’s as her character begins to unravel. Further, characters such as Miss Ferenczi and Tommy begin to change behavior through the continuation of the story. For instance, Tommy starts to develop his imagination and Miss Ferenczi begins her ascension as a fictional storyteller. As the story progresses, each character experiences continuous changes such as Tommy’s development of a sense of imagination and Miss Ferenczi’s implantation of fictional storytelling.
The article in titled Between Lions and Men, Images of the Hero in the Iliad by Michael Clarke is a very innovate piece of work. In the article, Clarke puts forward the idea of how the referencing of wild animals in the Iliad is symbolic and highly significant to the ethical and psychological problems of heroism within Homer’s Iliad. The focus that Clarke is placing in relation to the animal similes within the Iliad is the lion similes. As the Iliad is focused on Achilles and his death, it is no wonder that the lion similes are associated with this so called hero. Achilles and how he associates himself with the wolf and particularly the lion is the focal point of this article. In this essay I will analyse and comment on the argument put forward
Uptons Sinclairs The Jungle from 1906 is a fictional book from the progressive era. Even though The Jungle is a fictional novel, it described conditions that were real during the progressive era, such as working class poverty and harsh working conditions. The novel was written as a way to exploit the real lives of working citizens at home and at work.
Longer copyright terms can prove beneficial for large mass media companies as evidenced by The Walt Disney Company’s lobbying for the Copyright Term Extension Act. This act, often dubbed the Mickey Mouse Protection Act, extended copyright protection for an additional twenty years in 1998. Consequently, Mickey Mouse is now set to enter the public domain on January 1, 2024. Disney will once again have the opportunity to lobby for extension and evade Mickey’s copyright expiration, thus preventing its most iconic character from entering the public domain. This holds pressing significance because lobbying for further extension legislation would likely occur within the next few years.