
American Revolution Dbq

Decent Essays

The American Revolution was a time of uncertainty for the population. Many of the Patriot supporters were afraid of what would happen if America was to lose the war. Many of the loyalist of Great Britain were attached both physically and mentally by the Patriots. It was another type of war going on in America, that had both sides trying to figure out the best way to support their cause. I believe that you had both pragmatic and anti-liberty type sentiments from people who opposed the war with England. In this essay we will look at some of these issues, you saw well thought out responses to questions or concerns about the conflict, some people were afraid of retribution from England if they lost, and some were scared that America could not …show more content…

(Kim, 1993) There was a return of "normalcy". Further brought on by the fact that, by the late 1770s and early 1780s people were appreciating economic and social freedoms. Eastern shore gentry reverted back to consensual values of the past, by finding the basis of their authority, and putting the knowledge into practice.
The treatment of British loyalist (Tories) was abysmal and a major trend for this period. People were being attacked by mobs, anyone who had a different view other than that of the Patriots were not safe (Oliver, 1775). One such person who was treated in this manner was Peter Oliver himself. He was a Justice of the Peace at Middleborough, and was forced to sign an "Obligation not to execute his office under the new Acts" (Oliver, 1775). Straight resentment and name calling of the Patriots became a major trend in the period of the American revolution. Loyalist in the 1770s had had enough of their Patriot neighbors and that they were not at all happy with what was going on. They were turning America into a "burning Hell" (Cooper, 1775) by objecting to the enlightened rule of Great Britain. People thought that the Patriots were led by proud ignorant fanatics. With all this going on it was making people that opposed the movement against England to flee to get refuge on a British ship soon to leave for England (Cooper, 1775).
The significance of these trends are huge.

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