
The American Revolution: Political Balance Between The Colonies And Great Britain

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The American Revolution was the byproduct of Great Britain’s ignorance to the adjustments their growing and developing colony had brought to their attention. This ignorance caused a breakdown in the political and economically balance between the Colonies and Great Britain. The war for independence isn’t the same as the American Revolution. The American Revolution started in the 1600’s when the first permanent colonies were settled, while the war only lasted eight years. Before the first shots of the revolution were fired, a revolution was practically in the colonist minds due to the irritation caused by Great Britain and with time to ferment these irritations a revolution was happening.
The Revolution had beginnings back in the French and Indian war. British forces and allied Indians battled French forces and Indian nations for nine …show more content…

Once the war was over Britain was over 122 million pounds in debt, plus interest, which was 4.4 million pounds a year. Britain had come up with an idea to pay back this debt, by taxing the colonies. The British government figured that since they fought to protect the colonies, the colonies could pay them back.
Though before the French and Indian war political balance between Britain and the colonies had already started to break down. This was caused by Britain passing acts that went according to their economic theory, mercantilism. Mercantilism is the theory in which a countries power depends on wealth. These acts included the navigation acts; these acts limited foreigner trade between the colonies and Britain. The colonist followed these laws unless it was inconvenient for them, this “inconvenience” happened a lot. Also Britain passed the proclamation of

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