
The American Pageant Chapter 1 Dialectical Journal

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up early, but she had important things to do in the morning. Once Isaac finished eating his food, he would take his plate to the kitchen and place the plate in a sink. Once he arrived back to the dining room, he saw Euphoria walking towards her plate in her nightgown with Thaddeus behind her giving a list of things she was supposed to do for the day.

“Another long day, that’s exciting.” She said yawning.

She sat down at the table and slowly uncovered her breakfast and slowly started to eat. She had her elbows on the table, not showing any signs of caring about proper etiquette. Isaac scratched his head while just standing there. He didn’t really have anything planned for the day, he wanted to spend more time with Tocino and Epsilon, but he saw no signs of them around. Euphoria slowly started to get more aware of her surroundings, turning her attention to Isaac.

“Forgive me for not noticing you Isaac.” She said while chewing. “I’m still not fully awake yet, how did you sleep?”

“It’s fine, you had a busy day.” He said. “I slept rather well.”

“That’s good to hear.” She said. “You seem rather distracted, is everything alright?”

“I’m fine, I’m just looking for Tocino and Epsilon.” he said.

“You won’t find them here, I’ll tell …show more content…

He was wondering about how their school was like and what they were learning at the moment. He felt a bit bored not being around them, not knowing what he would be able to do today. Euphoria had eaten most of the food on her plate and stood up. Thaddeus took the plate and placed it on the cart, taking it back to the kitchen. While Euphoria walked away from the table, towards the exit of the dining room, she looked over at Isaac and made a gesture with her hands, telling him to follow her. He followed her without complaint to the main hall, standing there quietly. Her back was turned to him as she looked up at the chandelier of the main

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