
The American Dream and Domestic Violence

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The American Dream and Domestic Violence

Criminal Justice Systems

Topical Analysis Paper

A Course Research Paper Presented to the Criminal Justice Department in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice Systems

Keuka College
December 5, 2013
Many people have their own American Dream which have become their driving force and center of their life. However, not everyone can achieve their American Dream. Paul Krugman, who wrote “Confronting Inequality” in essay on the American Dream, stated that, “It is harder and harder for people to achieve the American Dream. Krugman also says that, “The lack of clear economic progress for lower and middle-income …show more content…

Physical abuse is them hitting, punching, kicking, trying to get you to use drugs and alcohol, or even taking away medicines needed for your health. The aggressor will also do anything they can to make you less desirable to the opposite sex. Leaving marks on your face is a big thing with the people that beat on you. Emotional abuse consists of calling you names, putting you down so that you feel less than a human being. I feel the emotional scars are the worst. You will have a problem trusting anyone once you have been a victim of domestic violence. You are always afraid that it will happen again so you are afraid to get close to people. Sexual abuse is “Rape.” The abuser will make you do despicable things you never would have done normally. This is very degrading to say the least. The sexual abuse aspect of this crime is so horrible, that most people have a hard time talking about it to anyone. Legal abuse is when they put you into a position of having to go to court for legal battles. They will use children, assets, anything to make you look bad and make them look better than you in the eyes of the courts. An abuser always wants and has to be in control.
Depth of Knowledge in Topic Area “Intimate partner violence (IPV) is defined as actual or threatened physical or sexual violence or psychological/emotional abuse by a spouse, ex-spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend, or date” (Meadows, 2014). Domestic violence has existed across the

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