
The American Dream Research Paper

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There are certain ideals and values, rooted in the American country’s history, some of these are Liberty, Equality, Freedom, Individualism, Volunteerism, Mobility, Unity, Patriotism, Progress and The American Dream. James Truslow Adams quote, "The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement." Many people combine Liberty with Freedom, it can have different meaning to different people, to me liberty is having the Freedom from all the society’s restrictions, being able to do what you wish without harming others, being able to chose what you want to do or participate without being forced to do so. We have so many individual …show more content…

We can choose where we want to live, we can choose who we want to love, we can choose what religion we want to follow, we have the freedom of speech, we have the constitutional right, we have economic and political equality, every citizen is treated equally under the law, in today’s modern world every citizen have equal right in all aspects of their life. The great John Locke also held to this core but took it in a more philosophical direction “All men are naturally in a state of perfect freedom to order their actions and dispose of their possessions and persons as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of Nature, without asking leave or depending upon the will of any other …show more content…

If any Athenian citizen felt that he was ill-treated, or any injustice done to them, they could take their complaint to the Magistrate. The Magistrate was a government official who was chosen by the lottery system that all citizens can run for and the term limit was one year. After listening to the complaint, the Magistrate would decide if he was just going to fine the opposer or send the case of the court. The more severe the case the more likely it would go to the courts. The court was a trial by jury, the jury was large in number of volunteers raising from hundreds to thousands who were male citizens of the age thirty or older. The members of the jury were also selected from the lottery system and they had to swear that they would be fair to both sides. The judge only kept order, when both sides presented the case, the juries would make the decision if the person was guilty or not. The decision was made by voting. If found guilty the punishment would vary, the person bringing the charge and the person found guilty could suggest the punishment and the jury had to select one of them, they could not add their own choice. Filing a lawsuit in the modern American system is way more complicated than the Athenian system. Lawsuits can be expensive so people these days must consider it and get advisement from lawyers to see If they have got a strong case against the other party. To begin with there are so many

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