
The American Dream

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The Beating Heart of the American Dream
The American Dream is alive and well in our society due to the extensive opportunities within America. These opportunities include education, individual freedoms, and countless jobs within the nation. Americans bear the access to these aspects through birth, while others are able to legally immigrate to the United States to achieve this fresh start of liberty and opportunity. Diligence and patience are both crucial aspects for all citizens to exhibit to achieve their goals and dreams. Without hard work, people expect unreasonable aspirations to come to them naturally. However, if a dream came through luck or nature, then it would not be one’s true American dream. The American Dream has always been alive and well through hard work and determination shown through Benjamin Franklin’s Self-Improvement Plan, Patrick Henry’s Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death speech, and John Winthrop’s City Upon a Hill, which informs Americans of the opportunities within the nation that determined citizens have access to.
Benjamin Franklin’s road to and achievement of moral perfection is illustrated in his Self-Improvement Plan proving American Dreams are achievable through passionate perseverance and dedication. Franklin wrote his plan with a structural and positive tone, before the revolution, in hope to help others and himself to reach their American Dreams. He also aspired to perfect the unity within America. He established thirteen routine, personal,

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