
The American Dream: Malcolm X and Rugged D.

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The American Dream: Malcolm X and Ragged D Throughout history, individuals have strived to achieve the “American Dream.” Whether they worked endless hours to achieve financial stability or fought infinite amounts of people for their equality, their drive came from the understanding that if they tried hard enough, they would be prosperous and successful. The different viewpoints of the “American Dream” are depicted in the books, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, as told by Alex Haley, and Ragged Dick, Or, Street Life In New York With The Boot-Blacks, written by Horatio Alger. Malcolm X was known to challenge the notion of the “American Dream”; however, his life, alongside Ragged Dick, can be depicted as a model of the “American Dream.” Struggling with discrimination, beginning their lives in poverty, and pursing a better life through education are key components that helped Malcolm X and Ragged Dick discover their own “American Dream.”
In his book, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Malcolm faced with adversity from the beginning of his life. Malcolm was born May 19th, 1925, during times of extreme racial violence and harsh discrimination . His family moved to Lansing, Michigan to avoid the persecution of local white groups, but they could not escape racial injustice. White supremacists burned Malcolm’s family home and murdered his father. Overcome with grief, Malcolm’s mother was confined to a mental hospital. Malcolm was then given to foster parents. He felt out of

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