
The Alliance Of The United Steel Workers Union And The Environmentalist Group Sierra Club Essay

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With the rapid industrialization of the world we are currently at a stalemate, with the rapidly depleting supply of resources and the growing demand, we must either come up with new methods or risk the loss of those resources altogether. In order to address these issues, the BlueGreen Alliance was formed. The BlueGreen Alliance is the unlikely partnership of The United Steel Workers Union and the environmentalist group Sierra Club, working together in order “to build a cleaner and fairer economy”. The normally opposing organizations are collaborating to improve “environmental policy and expand the number of and quality of jobs in the green economy.” Since the BlueGreen Alliance may be the first major collaborative group working to tackle these issues their effectiveness in comparison to other options has not been evaluated. In this paper we will look at the ties between economical and environmental problems, what the BlueGreen Alliance has accomplished, and other alternatives before determining the best course of action to build a cleaner and fairer economy. The BlueGreen Alliance is not a partnership of convenience, but a partnership that works towards spreading awareness about the issues we face when tasked with creating good jobs while also maintaining a safe environment. Most successful businesses are able to contribute their success to three important factors, limits, interdependence, and equity. Limits refer to the reality in which we do not have unlimited economic

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