
The Aging Process

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New medical studies on the aging process have given additional insight into what happens, as people get older. A normal process of aging is that vision decreases, but it is more than just not seeing well. Receptors in the eye do not function as well impairing light entering the eye. Naturally occurring problems such as cataracts and glaucoma only worsen these symptoms. In an article written by Betsy Brawley and Mark Taylor titled, “Designing for Senior Care Environments,” they state that because of this, “Approximately 90 percent of all information most of us learn in a lifetime comes through our eyes. Normal age-related changes disrupt our capacity to see.” (Brawley). Due to the decrease in visual awareness seniors can experience significant repercussions on their psychological. Routines and common tasks become difficult making even simple tasks frustrating at times. Losing self-independence can begin a dangerous path to depression and feelings of helplessness. As people age they do not see the world in the same shades of color. Most seniors see with a tint of yellow due to hardening of the lens around the eye. Details are not as sharp so it is not as easy to see subtle color changes and some patterns. “The process occurs so gradually that most people do not notice the colors and lights getting dimmer. This could be an …show more content…

Much of the focus was on ease of access for the staff tending to the seniors. This is still an important factor and any design should allow for function as a primary goal. Being able to provide medical services, both routine and urgent, is one of the main reasons that assisted living facilities exist, but not the only one. The psychological impact of living in these facilities needs to be considered. Many seniors suffer from feelings of depression as they feel that they are losing their independence. Creating an environment that is comfortable and soothing is

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