
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of P2p File Sharing Systems

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Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their flexibility and scalability. A peer-to-peer, or “P2P,” file transfer service allows the user to share computer files through the Internet. Examples of P2P services include KaZaA, Grokster, Gnutella, Morpheus, and BearShare. This document is about the peer to peer file sharing technology. It discusses about what peer to peer technology and file sharing is. It also states the pros and cons of the peer to peer file sharing and how Network coding is useful to overcome the disadvantages of the traditional p2p file sharing technology,also discusses some network coding based p2p file sharing and Microsoft Avalanche.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Peer to peer file sharing 1 1.2 …show more content…

The originating server (the seed) makes available one copy of the file, which is then split up into chunks. Different chunks are sent out to the various computers (BitTorrent clients) trying to get hold of a copy of the file.
2. Each client uploads their part of the file to other clients while simultaneously downloading bits of the file they don't have from other clients. All the clients work together as a swarm to share the file. The file-sharing process doesn't happen in the systematic, sequential way we show here (purely for simplicity): clients upload and download simultaneously and the file actually builds up in a more random way. There are often hundreds of clients involved in each swarm.
3. Eventually, every client receives a complete copy of the file. However, in this example, as in real life, one client (lower left) finishes downloading before the others. If the owner of that machine switches off as soon as they're done, the other clients will never receive complete copies of the

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