Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their flexibility and scalability. A peer-to-peer, or “P2P,” file transfer service allows the user to share computer files through the Internet. Examples of P2P services include KaZaA, Grokster, Gnutella, Morpheus, and BearShare. This document is about the peer to peer file sharing technology. It discusses about what peer to peer technology and file sharing is. It also states the pros and cons of the peer to peer file sharing and how Network coding is useful to overcome the disadvantages of the traditional p2p file sharing technology,also discusses some network coding based p2p file sharing and Microsoft Avalanche.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Peer to peer file sharing 1 1.2
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The originating server (the seed) makes available one copy of the file, which is then split up into chunks. Different chunks are sent out to the various computers (BitTorrent clients) trying to get hold of a copy of the file.
2. Each client uploads their part of the file to other clients while simultaneously downloading bits of the file they don't have from other clients. All the clients work together as a swarm to share the file. The file-sharing process doesn't happen in the systematic, sequential way we show here (purely for simplicity): clients upload and download simultaneously and the file actually builds up in a more random way. There are often hundreds of clients involved in each swarm.
3. Eventually, every client receives a complete copy of the file. However, in this example, as in real life, one client (lower left) finishes downloading before the others. If the owner of that machine switches off as soon as they're done, the other clients will never receive complete copies of the
other peers. In case of Client –Server network, if server goes down, then the whole
Files are stored at server disk. Clients do read and write operations on the network.
Before specifically talk about how long the 2.4GB will take to completely get downloaded, I would like to talk about the difference between Byte (B) and bits (b) first.
[8] J. R. Douceur, A. Adya, W. J. Bolosky, D. Simon, and M. Theimer.Reclaiming space from duplicate files in a serverless distributedfile system. In ICDCS, pages 617–624, 2002.
With working with a Peer to Peer (P2P) network, it’s a type of approach used in computer networking that means every computer will share responsibility for any data processing. This type of networking is common in small local LANs (local area networks), typically found in home networking and even small businesses. This type of network can be wireless and even
A client/server architecture is an end-to-end systems that contains server hosts (contains the resources and services needed by the client) and clients (users or workstations in the network). “Most client/server networks have more than one client to a server so that the system shares computing power. There are a few different kinds of servers to include file sharing, printer services, email services, database services, web services, and a server can used for it power. Clients can access all of these different servers at one time and the servers can serve many clients.” (Techopedia, 2014) For large businesses with office throughout the country web based computing or cloud computing shows the greatest benefit. In web-based computing it is not the local computer doing all the work but rather computers off site that do the work. The user’s computer runs off of a cloud computing system’s interface software which uses the offsite network computers to do the work.
There is a great deal of synergy between the Microsoft and Intuit that would be beneficial for Microsoft if an acquisition were to take place. Intuit’s position in the personal finance market would lend a considerable benefit to Microsoft given their difficulty in that market. Microsoft would also be able to take advantage of the similarity in their products and use their considerable marketing advantages to enhance the revenue created by Intuit. In 1994, Bill Gates envisioned an emerging future market as an online marketplace to handle consumer needs. In order for Microsoft to develop its capability to control its own destiny in online entertainment and commerce, it needed to acquire additional core
It is mainly used in small business with ten employees or less. Anymore, and the network can become unstable. In a Peer to Peer each workstation is an administrator and the security is less to be desired. There is almost no central security within the shared network. The only security is a password can be added to your shared file. A different password can be given out to others as read only. Downloading programs and files from the internet are not monitored. Shared documents would be another uncontrolled action which will cause problems.
Client Server is a computer system where a central server provides data of networked workstations.
When I was in middle school, the biggest way to get music for free was a website named Limewire. Nothing was more exciting than to be able to hear a song on the radio then go home and download it to our desktops. Also cool, was the fact that if one of us didn’t have a song, our friend could simply “burn” it onto a c.d. for us. That was the only way we knew how to get music, aside from going out and buying the whole album. Apple’s iTunes was just starting out and iPods were just being created. Limewire was the way to go. Little did we know that Limewire was illegal and costing singers, songwriters, labels, and everyone associated with just one song, huge amounts of money.
P2P considers interest of the user and the frequency of nearest neighbours this makes efficient file sharing between user’s. Interest extraction identifies nodes’ interests; Community construction builds community according to the interest of communities. Files are also retrieved on the social network within limited time span. Thus the files can be transferred efficiently between
Along with the development of a file format (MP3) to store digital audio recordings, came one of the new millennium’s most continuous debates – peer-to-peer piracy – file sharing. Internet companies such as Napster and Grokster became involved in notable legal cases in regards to copyright laws in cyberspace. These two cases are similar in nature, yet decidedly different. In order to understand the differences and similarities, one should have an understanding of each case as well as the court’s ruling.
Peer-to-Peer file sharing is a more unorthodox way of obtaining files because instead of going through a web browser to get files, computer users use software such as Limewire and Vuze to access the files on other user’s computers. These file sharing software find as many computers as they can with the files that they are looking for, divide up the information necessary among the computers, and download a fraction of information from each computer. Each computer is given the title “peer” if it is utilized in the
In 2018 a mother of a 12-year-old girl in New York settled a lawsuit of $2000 because she was illegally sharing copyrighted music files according to www.pediatrics.about.com. Why would someone want to do that? As the person, you’re taking the money of someone else’s hard work. The artist that wrote the song took a lot of time and effort to make it. There are thousands of music artist and stealing their money is not fair for all they do. To stop this from occurring there must be harsher penalties or else artist will not have money to exist anymore or employees or money in return.
“Before the days of YouTube and the Internet, a band 's chances of striking it big depended on record companies. If a band was lucky enough to get a record deal, it gained access to a label 's vast resources and connections. The company paid for the band 's studio time, … and got its music played on the radio, reaching millions of record buying Americans” (Majerol, 1). Now, anyone with talent can post a video of themselves and become an internet sensation, only to then receive a deal with a label to continue growing their career. The issue is, with the Internet came digital downloading, and with the growing popularity of digital downloading came illegal downloading, known as Digital Piracy, which has affected the music industry greatly. This issue affects everyone involved in the Music Industry. From the small CD store owner to the Artist on stage, everyone has and continues to be affected by the growing popularity of digital downloading services. Artists, producers, and songwriters lose an estimated 12.5 Billion USD every year to illegal digital music services. Further, the economic impact from [digital downloading] is an estimated loss of 2+ Billion USD (Storrs, 1). This money affects the “little guys” in the industry and the average worker within the industry.