During the development of multicellular organisms, the fate of a cell is often determined by the influence of neighboring cells or tissues. The molecular mechanisms by which such inductive signals cause changes in the genetic program of the responding cell remain largely unknown. In the early stages of the response, signals from the cell surface must lead to modifications in the activity of one or more pre-existing transcription factors, which then set in motion the appropriate cascade of gene activation. Post-translational activation of transcription factors has been demonstrated in a number of cases, including steroid hormone receptors (Glineur et al. 1990), the yeast heat shock response factor (Sorger and Pelham 1988), and the mammalian factor AP-1 (Angel et al. 1987; Lee et al. 1987). The activation of transcription factors in response to inductive signals during development has proved more difficult to demonstrate, largely because the critical transcription factors have not been identified. Cell identities in the developing eye of Drosophila are determined by induction, and mutations in several genes that encode putative transcription factors have been shown to disrupt normal eye development (Tomlinson 1988; Banerjee and Zipursky 1990). Here, it is shown that one of these genes, glass, encodes a site-specific DNA-binding protein and that glass function, in its broadest sense, is regulated at the protein level. The glass gene is required for the normal development of
Roi1 is also known as rough eye and it is a dominant mutation which causes abnormal patterns and genomic inversions in the D.melanogaster eye (Chanut et al. 2002). The recombination map location of the Roi1 is 2-54.7. The gl3 is an allele and the Gl1 is a protein for the gl gene, also known as glass, both are located at 3-63.1. The gl gene is known to reduce the size of the adult D. melanogaster eye. Even though the gl3 is a weak allele for the glass gene it produces a really pigmented eye ( Ma et al. 1996). The rh1 gene is known as rhodopsin; the recombination map location is at 3.66.4. Rh1 causes degeneration of the D. melanogaster retina (Kristaponyete et al. 2012). Rho1 also known as the rhomboid gene, is closely related to the roughed (ru); which happens to be a recessive eye mutation (Wasserman
Bayer, C.A., Halsell, S.R., Fristrom, J.W., Kiehart, D.P., von Kalm, L. (2003). Genetic interactions between the RhoA and Stubble-stubbloid loci suggest a role for a type II transmembrane serine protease in intracellular signaling during Drosophila imaginal disc morphogenesis. Genetics 165(3): 1417--1432.
When a gene that codes for a protein names BMP4 is expressed it caused the growing of a finch embryo.
In the human genome, we know of a gene called ITGB6 which plays an important role in wound healing and carcinogenesis, and it encodes a section of the integrin αvβ6 heterodimer which functions to fuse the endosome/lysosome in corneal epithelial cells. Previous experiments done before this article’s publication have shown that, however we do not know how the mechanism of the regulation of this gene works. The authors of this article aimed to explore the workings of the ITGB6 gene by utilizing several different experiments to characterize the promoter region of this gene and understand its mechanism in greater detail.
Parallel model is made for sensory control of dauer formation (Fig 2). This genetic pathway may correspond to the process of dauer formation beginning with the response to pheromone through the morphogenesis into a dauer larva. Mutations in the dauer pathway can be divided in two main classes. Dauer constitutive mutants (denoted Daf-c) produce dauers even when food is abundant, whereas dauer-defectives (denoted Daf-d) fail to form dauers under starvation. Several Daf-c mutants are temperature sensitive: they develop as wildtype at low temperature (usually 15?C), but show the mutant phenotype at the restrictive temperature (25?C). Epistasis analysis of double and triple mutants allowed the ordering of numerous daf genes in a genetic pathway. Because dauers have a life maintenance program that is capable of protecting quite efficiently against cellular injury, it is not surprising that the first life span-extending mutations discovered defined genes involved in the dauer pathway (Vanfleteren et.al, 1999). In addition, genetic analysis has suggested that there are parallel pathways for integration of the sensory information controlling dauer formation. Seven genes defined by mutations that confer a dauer-formation constitutive phenotype (Daf-c) can be congruently divided into two groups by any of three criteria. Mutations in each group of genes cause
Dr. Tina Henkin’s seminar “Flipping the switch: How cells use RNA to regulate genes expression”, was outlined by four general questions. The first question addressed in the seminar was “Why study Microbes?”. The next, “Why study bacterial gene regulation?”. The third question, “What are the basics of gene expression?”. Finally, “What’s special about riboswitches?”. Dr. Henkin addressed these questions throughout her seminar, which eventually led into to more specific questions of gene expression and predicted hypotheses of her model. However, to understand these more specific questions and predictions it is crucial to understand the first four questions outlined in the beginning of the seminar.
The Mechanisms of gene regulation are used by a cell to determine whether to increse or decrease
Loss of function (loss of gene expression from the developing wing epithelium) of each of these genes leads to complete loss of wings:
Gene expression is the ability of a gene to produce a biologically active protein. This process is regulated by the cells of an organism, it is very important to the survival of organisms at all levels. This is much more complex in eukaryotes than in prokaryotes. A major difference is the presence in eukaryotes of a nuclear membrane, which prevents the simultaneous transcription and translation that occurs in prokaryotes. Initiation of protein transcription is started by RNA polymerase. The activity of RNA polymerase is regulated by interaction with regulatory proteins; these proteins can act both positively, as activators, and negatively as repressors. An example of gene regulation in cells is the activity of the trp operon. The trp
It is known that genes in DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, determine the traits passed down to offspring. To understand how genes may become expressed differently based upon events, such as the traumatic event of the Holocaust, the process of how DNA works must be understood.
(2013) developed a novel functional genomic approach by reconstituting the epithelial folding pathway in a cell-based assay. From S2 cells, S2R+ cells that contracted in response to Fog were engineered. The S2R+ cells did not contract during RNAi-mediated depletion of proteins in the pathway, such as Cta, RhoGEF2, or Rho1, indicating that the pathway has been reconstructed in these cells. The Fog receptor mist was identified by performing a targeted RNAi screen in the S2R+ cells and individually depleting 138 GPCRs in the Drosophila genome. The S2R+ cells that do not exhibit contraction to Fog therefore contained the
Gene expression is an essential factor in cell biology research. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, also known as RT-PCR, is used to express specific genes. RT-PCR is a type of PCR in which it used to analyze RNA expression by transcribing RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) (6). The specific genes focused on throughout this experiment are pax6a and pax2a. These genes are known as transcription factors and aid in various functions such as neural cell maintenance, neural cell migration, and differentiation. Transcription factors are proteins that bind to DNA that have the ability of turning the expression of a gene on or off (1). The pax6a
Kai et al IkB Kinase β (IKBKB) mutations in lymphomas that constitutively activate canonical nuclear factor kB (NFkB) signalling. 2014, J Biol Chem 289(38)26960-72.
The major research questions addressed in the presentation consisted of: why to study microbes? , What are the basics of gene expression? , What’s special about riboswitches? The major hypotheses that were explored during the presentation were “S box” represses genes involved in the synthesis of methionine and SAM in response to the high SAM concentration; and the low SAM results in the readthrough of the termination site. Also “How can gene expression be regulated” and under what conditions/processes the bacterial cells could use to detect environmental signals, specifically Dr. Henkin talks about some of the predictions of the model, which another hypothesis is “If we reduce SAM concentrations in the cell would we see increased gene expression”? Also would the increase in expression be from the effects on translation? Dr. Henkin used a variety of the methods to study the topic including a power point presentation in which she organized the information she was going to talk about in front of the class. The specific method used in the presentation was the S box riboswitch structural model, and the different types of S box riboswitches. (SAM). She started the presentation talking about how bacterial cells have more genetic information than they use at any given time, and explained the basics of gene expression. Dr. Henkin explained the many important steps that the expression undergoes. Starting with step 1, transcription occurs which is the expression of a gene requiring the
In eukaryotic cells, proteins known as transcription factors bind to promoters that include a TATA box (a nucleotide sequence that contains TATA, 25 nucleotides upstream from the start of transcription). Afterwhich, more transcription factors will bind to the DNA, together with RNA polymerase II, forming the transcription initiation complex.