
The Achievement Habit Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

The Power Within In the first two chapters of the book The Achievement Habit, Bernard Roth talks about how “nothing is what you think it is” (Roth 14) and “reasons are bullshit” (Roth 37). Bernard Roth has been a professor for many years and in his book, he directs his message to college students and young adults. He introduces a perspective for life and gives other tips along the way in the first chapter. In the next chapter of the book he explains how reasons are prettied up excuses and how one must be confident in their actions. Throughout both chapters Roth tries to persuade young adults to open their mind and look at things with a different viewpoint. Roth uses the rhetorical approach of pathos and ethos very well, but his logical reasoning …show more content…

He starts with telling the reader where he now works, Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford; he is a founder and an academic director (3). Roth’s career alone gives him a lot of his credibility. Working at an institution like Stanford is a very difficult task to complete; one must be very intelligent and skilled to land a job like his. Knowing this, the student will discover how knowledgeable Roth is and the reader trusts what he writes. The use of words that Roth selects are very light, easy to read and understand even though he covers complex topics. He uses short but powerful sentences like “your life has no meaning” (14) and “The more self-aware you can become, the happier you can be” (15). His word choice and tone is very proper for the audience he is aiming towards: young adults and college students. Many times, older adults talk to young adults in a way that looks down upon them, giving them life advice and what to do and what not to do from their personal experiences. Roth instead, uses a different approach and advises young adults to be optimistic and to not prevent themselves from succession. Overall, Roth has a very strong ethical appeal in The Achievement

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