
The Ability Of Overcome Degenerative Policy Making Is Through Policy Analysis

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The ability to overcome degenerative policy making is through policy analysis which deconstructs policy designs in order to expose degenerative characteristics and deceptions (Schneider & Ingram 1997). Public policy needs to be inclusive and should provide a clear vision of possibilities, explanations of how and why antidemocratic elements are embedded in policy designs, and interpretations of how designs impact democratic life (Schneider & Ingram 1997, 207). According to Stone (2011), knowledge tools reduce the need for coercive action or force because in the rational model, information will resolve conflict between actual behavior and desired behavior.
Providing knowledge or educating make it unnecessary to incentivize or sanction the target in order to elicit the desired behavior. Instead, lack of information or capacity is the primary barrier, and once the appropriate information is relayed to the target, the desired behavior will follow (Schneider & Ingram, 1997; Stone, 2011). However, people use a variety of strategies to help their interests and political goals. Critics of rational choice theory contend that people “act largely according to prior attitudes and beliefs rather than new information” (Stone, 2011, p. 314). One must be aware of human and social behavior if they are to try and analyze policy.
Schneider & Ingram (1997) identify some general principles (203-206) to look for during policy analysis. Target groups should be constructed across the lines of

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