
The 9 / 11 Conspiracy Theories

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We live in a generation where the morality of our representatives has been disintegrated, the actions of our government are always questioned and the ‘who benefits’ from the events is often in the minds of public. The answer is provided by conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories can be looked as a way of questioning how legitimate our democratic states are. These theories question people’s relationships to the government. They are a “reaction to the lack of transparency and openness” in our governmental organisations and departments (Bartlett and Miller 2011). Conspiracy theories that argue that 9/11 were ‘inside jobs’ destroy the trust that people have in government institutions (Bartlett and Miller 2011). Terrorism, by its very nature …show more content…

The conspiratorial views however, rejected the idea that the attacks were led by Al-Qaeda terrorist group from the Middle East (Frazier 2011). Instead, the view that the U.S. government had to be involved in some way came out. This view was supported not only by the Arab but also the Americans. A poll conducted in the U.S. stated that 33% of the Americans believe that it is very likely that the U.S government either allowed or carried out the 9/11 attack (Bartlett and Miller 2001). There was a strong current after the 9/11 attack that argued that states with power intentionally create these attacks and violent operations known as ‘false flag’ operations. According to Bartlett and Miller (2011), the term false flag originates from the concept of military units flying the wrong colored flag during conflict. These operations are purposely made to look as if they were led by a group other than the legitimate main body. In these operations, chaotic situation are intentionally created to put a blame on someone else and so that freedoms and liberties can take place. The conspiracy theories started coming out just a few days after the terrorist attack. And since then, for over a decade, there have been various technical claims. David Ray Griffin, a

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