
The 1940’s as The Most Influencing Decade in the United States

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For many years there has been a discussion about the best decade and the best era in the United States of America. People are convincing each other that twenties were the Golden Age or 1990’s were the most influencing but there is no clear and nationwide agreement in that case. In fact, according to different authors and publishers there was no year that actually resolved all problems in the United States. From some people’s point of view, however, it is not a matter of which decade end all problems but rather a matter of which decade influenced the most areas of Americans’ lives. Although 1940’s have not resolved all America’s problems, those years did the most to influence contemporary America in areas such as the economic leadership of …show more content…

More workers and growing war industry caused the U.S. to eventually take the economic lead over the world. According to Michael French, “the wartime expansion of the US industrial base, coupled with devastation in Europe and Japan placed the US economy in an extraordinarily powerful position. US industrial production was 45 per cent of world output in 1948 and its national income and productivity, especially in manufacturing, far outstripped other economies” (French, 197). Michael French also mentioned in his book, US Economic History Since 1945, establishing International Money Fund in 1944. IMF, along with Marshall Plan from years 1948-1951, placed US dollar as a reserve currency for other nations around the world. Yet, all of this would not have happened if the World War II have not erupted. Orson Welles, an American director and producer said about the industrial and technological progress during wartime, “in Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed--they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock!” (Nasar, 404). Many people are opposing this point of view and pointing out that war can never be consider as a good period of time. Yet, Orson Welles is right because America would have much worse time without the World War II,

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