
The ! Kung Bushman Community Analysis

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The !Kung Bushman, also referred to as San, people have been in constant oppression of capitalism and globalization which has been destroying their ethnicity and culture for the past two to three decades. The !Kung were the original inhabitants of southern Africa who lived a nomadic life as hunters and gatherers. This rich heritage and lifestyle represents a “natural humanity” living in harmony within the environment and nature of their surroundings (Lee, Hitchcock, & Biesele 2002). But in the reality of the present-day !Kung, their lifestyles have changed significantly with the expansion of capitalism in Africa. Lee, Hitchcock and Biesele (2002) explained how capitalism has caused virtually all southern African original communities …show more content…

There are roughly 50,000 !Kung in southern Africa today, but some studies show that only a quarter of the !Kung continue their traditional nomadic lifestyles and traditions (Jenkins 2006). With the expansion of globalization and capitalism, Jenkins (2006) testifies that it has caused a cultural shift among the !Kung which has divided the !Kung into scattered groups. These groups, according to Jenkins, consist of a few hundred to a few thousand that extend across southern Africa. With this broad movement of the !Kung, these different groups developed different languages which other !Kung groups cannot understand. Jenkins (2006) describes this issue as an effect of the expansion of capitalism and global flow of western cultures coming into …show more content…

N!ai claimed the people were jealous, an emotional state which seemed inevitable for the whole community post-settlement. The huge irony about N!ais story occurs when N!ai starts being part of the documentary about her !Kung people consisting of taking pictures and interviews from Marshall. While doing this, she begins to complain about what it has done to her life, creating conflict among her village. What this job caused was Nai being trapped between the Whites - government settlement - and her own people. What is created by this is N!ai being caught between having to see to the demands of the government settlement and the rejection of her and her family by her village

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