
Thank You Ma Am Langston Hughes Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

“Thank You Ma'am”

In the story “Thank You Ma'am” by Langston Hughes, a hard working woman named Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones is confronted by a frail and willow-wild teenager named Roger, who tries to steal her purse. Rather than calling the police, Mrs. Jones drags Roger home, feeds him, tells him to wash his face, and gives him money. She chooses to take him home because it is apparent to her that Roger is unsupervised and neglected. She also wants to teach him a lesson that warns him from getting into future trouble and feeling miserable.
One reason Mrs. Jones takes Roger home after he tried to rob her is because it is palpable to her that Roger was unattended and lived alone. This is clear to Mrs. Jones because Roger addresses her with a dirty face, looking somewhat neglected. Moreover, during a conversation with Mrs. Jones, Roger admits that he was deserted and has nobody at home to tell him to wash his face. “Um-hum! And your face is dirty. I got a great mind to wash your face for you. Ain’t you got nobody home to tell you to wash your face?” Mrs. Jones points out. (p. 36, line 35) Then, Roger replies, “No’m.” (p.36, line 35) Evidently, Mrs. Jones is a caring and compassionate person. …show more content…

Jones takes Roger home is that she wanted to teach him an unforgettable lesson and save him from regret and misery in the future. For example, Mrs. Jones tells Roger that if he bought a pair of blue suede shoes with stolen money, he would feel guilty rather than happy. “...And next time, do not make the mistake of latching onto my pocketbook- nor nobody else’s- because shoes come by devilish like that will burn your feet,” warns Mrs. Jones. (p. 41, lines 150-155) Mrs. Jones identifies with Roger’s situation and she confesses that she couldn’t get everything she wanted and stealing money is not the right way to get what you

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