
Texas Conservative

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Ambrose Bierce quote, “Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others” relates to the two political parties, in America. Bierce was a novel writer and based on his quote I think he was a liberal. His quote defines a conservative and a liberal in a very unsubtle way which can be misleading to some even though it is true. Texas is known as a conservative state and California is known as a liberal state. Texas has been a conservative state since 1944 and Democrats haven’t been able to win it since. Two Presidents of the United States are from Texas and were from the Republican Party. Many believe that Texas became conservative when people started moving West, moving West was not a really smooth process back in the days. This takes us to the Frontier heritage when people had to cope with a lot of issues because of the move towards West. This made people angry at the government and caused distrust and anger towards the government, the government wanted to make changes to some of the old …show more content…

For example, marijuana is legal in California and is still not legalized in Texas even for medicinal purposes, abortion in Texas is legal only till 20 weeks after fertility whereas in California abortion is legal till after viability. Same is true for LGBT rights, Texas did not legalize LGBT marriages until the supreme court ruled that all states had to make it legal. Also many support gun laws in Texas whereas liberals such as California are against gun laws. These are the significant differences seen in conservative and liberal political cultures in the United

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