
Terrorism Is Not A New Concept Essay

Decent Essays

On September 11, 2001, Americans were witness to one of the most devastating and deadliest attacks on American soil in close to a century. As the World Trade Center came crashing down, America was faced with a threat that continues to plague the country today. Unlike the attacks on Pearl Harbor, the attack on the World Trade Center was not executed by a state actor. Instead, it was the act of terrorism by a group known as Al Qaida. The fight against this terrorist group would continue over the next decade. By most accounts, the struggle even continues today. While this was one of the worst terror attacks in modern history, terrorism is not a new concept. Terrorism dates back to the nationalists’ fights against established governments, but has amplified since the 1970’s. New terrorist groups are constantly forming and recruiting members, not only from their home countries, but thanks to technology, from every corner of the globe. Today, even American citizens are being recruited to fight against the ideals of Western Civilization that are perpetuated by the very county they were born in. While Al Qaida might have been the focus of counter-terrorism a decade ago, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, is an even greater threat to Americans today. It would seem that the main issue with combatting terrorism is that a state cannot use traditional warfare because there is not another state to target. It may be the case, however, the more important and difficult issues of

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