
Tension In The Help

Decent Essays

The novel, The Help by Kathryn Stockett has three narrators. Two are African American and one is white. The two African Americans: Aibileen and Minny, are maids for white families in Jackson. The white narrator is Skeeter, a young prestigious white woman who aspires to be a best seller writer and break free of the expectations of her childhood friends (one of them employs Aibileen) and her harsh mother. Skeeter desperately wants to impress an editor in New York with a book. She persuades the maids to help b talking about the work they do for white families at a time when just telling the truth put them in a great amount of jeopardy.
The book portrays of the maids' relationship with their employers and children they take care of. This peeks into a dark period our country has once been in. This period started first with the Jim Crow4aws. These were a number of laws requiring racial segregation in the United States. These laws were enforced in different states between 1876 and 1965. Jim Crow/i~ws provided a …show more content…

Skeeter went ahead and wrote a book with her friend her friend who was a woman of color.
Kathryn Stockett uses historical events to reflect the racial tension in Jackson during 1962. One example of an event used would be the assassination of Medgar Evers. Medgar Evers was an activist. He died on June 12, 1963. "Someone has been shot and all the black people have to get off the bus." (14.) He was assassinated by a sniper with, opened fire outside on his own driveway in front of his children. Another historical event, Kathryn Stockett portrayed was the The Civil Rights March on Washington. The Civil Rights March on Washington was on August 28, 1963 .200,000 americans led a rally known as March of Washington for Jobs and Freedom. This event was designed to shed light on challenges African Americans were facing at the time. Using these tragic events Stockett strengthens the past of segregation in that

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