
Tens: A Narrative Fiction

Decent Essays

“What happened?” I ask Grif as we sat down in the middle of the cave. Everything had been silent and still like a predator ready to attack its prey. “Explain to me, I am so confused.” “We had come back from war. Most people were finding it hard to settle back into society after killing. Suddenly, people were dying. Tens at a time. Keep in mind that we are a small town. We had what? A few hundred people. It was a big dent in our family. We thought that it was someone with P.T.S.D. from the war but…” he paused but I usher him to go on. “It hadn’t been. It had been the evil. The evil had possessed one of our kind and had started killing. We didn’t know the reason so we came down here. There had been a person; Meg’s mother. She had started talking …show more content…

It was they. They chose to sacrifice one person,” he blamed. At that moment, everything clicked. They? You are the one they chose. You’re possessed now. You are the one who possessed Meg. You’re the one who killed Seo. I start to run and kept running but that didn’t stop it. The evil simply had to transport to where I was. Poof! He was in front of me. I hadn’t known anything else to do but kick - in the place that hurt the most. And then, I was back to attacking my mind for not taking putting together the story more quickly. How long had he been possessed? How did I not notice? How - I came to an abrupt halt as I ran into the cage. But there had been no time to contemplate life; I just darted in and instantly there had been movement. The cage had bolted up hundreds of feet and I had fallen to my feet. There had been a huge crash and the next moment I remember, I was out of the elevator. People had started gaping around me, but not a single word was said. It wasn’t because they understood but because they didn’t. I looked around. What could I do? There! Fire. Suddenly, Grif had appeared. It had been an irrational decision. I mean, wouldn’t the people back then have tried fighting the evil? It’s still worth a …show more content…

Everything from here on became blurry. Throwing the stick with the flames mocking me. The horror on Grif’s face. The smell of human flesh burning. Me turning around and looking at the face of the townspeople. ☾ After this moment, I don’t remember much. I have searched and researched about the evil that had possessed Grif, and I’ve only found little about it. To this day, I only know that it was a demon, one from deep down underground. When Grif had been vanquished, there had been a change in the people. It was as if a curse had been lifted. The town became brighter. More laughter filled it than ever before. The poverty in the town minimized and new jobs were created. As for me and my family, we moved and had a fresh start. We were the first to leave in over half a century. My parents started their very own barber shop in our new hometown, Boulder, Colorado and I started freshman year of high school. I had an open mind. I mean, how much worse could it be than before. Currently, all I know for sure is that it is dead for now and hopefully

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