
Temporary Pain Research Paper

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Some point throughout our lives, we have experienced temporary pain in order to reach a more rewarding future. This pain can come in numerous forms for each individual, some physical pain, others mental or emotional pain, and some being a combination of the various types of pain. Whichever form of temporary pain an individual has, it is an obligation to be successful. I would venture to say physical pain is my dominant type of temporary pain. Temporary physical pain is something I have struggled with endless times in my softball career, just so I could play another game; this was the pain I I subjected myself to in order to keep playing the game I love. I realized after I fractured my hip during a game, too much pain took a lasting toll on my body. After the numerous doctor visits, tests, and X-rays, the doctors prescribed medication …show more content…

Crutches were required for the first two weeks of my initial injury and as soon as I went to my first appointment at the rehab center, they made me do obstacles without the crutches. At the time, this gesture seemed absurd and I did not want to do it, mainly due to my fear of further injuring myself. The first segment of my therapy, involved lying on a bed and doing an ultrasound. I know it may sound strange, but they put lotion on my hip, massaged it, then used what an ultrasound technician would use, ultimately causing my hip to go numb in entirety. By doing this, I could manage doing the exercises because I would only feel minimal pain rather than extreme pain. With each appointment, my therapist pushed me to my limit for the entire 45 minute period. I came to the conclusion, it was pure hell, but I was off my crutches within days. The exercises my doctor assigned me were meant to make my hip stronger and appropriately, I was granted not to use my crutches on a daily basis

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