
Temple Grandin Autism

Decent Essays

Did you know that one in very sixty-eight children is diagnosed with autism? Many Americans do not know that much about autism or its effects and challenges that come with it. What is autism anyways? Autism is a neurological disorder that affects one’s ability to communicate with others, respond to stimuli in an appropriate way, or build relationships (Barnes,2015). Temple Grandin was just two years old when she was diagnosed with autism. Temple has faced, and will continue to face many barriers in her life with this disorder, but has overcome many of them. She has used her abilities and her different perspective to accomplish amazing things.
Many of the obstacles that Temple has to face are common symptoms that many other children with autism have to face today. Her difficulties were beginning to be noticed at the age of two years old. Temple’s mother had observed that she was not talking like the many other children her age; she had poor eye contact and interest in people, and even had appearances of deafness. Temple would also throw tantrums. Temple later explained, “I could understand what people said to me, but I could not get my words out, so I would just …show more content…

One being, that she can think in photographically specific images (Grandin,2006,p.28). Temple is a visual thinker with means, she has a whole new perspective that gives her the ability to create things no of us have yet to come up with. She says, “I can take images that I have seen, rearrange them, and create new pictures.” (Grandin,2006,p.12). Temple can see things and how they will work before they are even made. With this exceptional ability, Temple is able to save companies money with products that will actually work the way they are intended to. This new outlook has made her very successful in her career in working with these companies and their

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