Teleological theory attempts to answer the question “what is right?” teleological theory focuses on the end consequences. Lying or being deceiving is not being a bad person if it means to achieve a good consequence in the end of a situation. Telos in Greek means end, goal, purpose, and result. An example of this would be if Nancy asked Chuck if her hair was pretty when it was originally blonde and then dyed to jet-black. Chuck would have to say, “Yes honey, you look beautiful.” Yes, Chuck did lie but it caused Nancy to be happy. If Chuck did tell the truth they would probably have an argument on why Nancy’s hair is not beautiful and cause even more damage. Nancy would probably go out to the salon to change her color hair again and spend even more money. Chuck needs to lie for the greater good and tell Nancy that she is beautiful as always. Chuck knows lying is bad and morally wrong but does so for the greater good and which causes good consequences to keep Nancy happy. If chuck told the truth, which is considered to be morally right then Nancy would be sad. Teleological theory does not answer the question “what is right?” because unpredictable outcomes, egotistic human nature, different opinions on good consequences are a cultural bias.
Teleological theory focuses on the end result and consequences. Nancy again wanted to do something nice for herself and get her nails done purple but everyone knows that Nancy only looks good with pink nails; even Chuck knows that. Because
Teleological choices depend on four components saw results at every choice for partner groups, likelihood that the outcome will jump out at every partner involved, attractive quality of every result, and significance of every partner gather. Teleology is regularly called consequentialism since people utilizing teleology are constructing choices with respect to methods of insight, for example, vanity, and utilitarianism (Child, 2015). The executives’ trust that they are accomplishing the best advantage for each one of those influenced by a choice. Along these lines, teleological choices depend on adaptable choices in light of the outcomes or
Michigan State University. In the decade of the 1950's, Michigan State head coach Clarence “Biggie”
Lying can change a person’s view but is not a right way to do every
Signs Preceding the End of the World is an insider’s look at the mind and journey of an illegal immigrant. A Mexican young woman crossing the border story is what challenges the ethics of readers. The main character in Signs Preceding the End of the World is Makina. “Makina is in charge of a small Mexican town’s telephone. A reliable, messenger, she knows how to keep a secret and when to keep her mouth shut. She is dangerous when threatened, quick to defend herself against lecherous fools, and unafraid of speaking truth to power” (Long). Makina is just like an ordinary person. She is no different from an average American. Makina has a job and harmless when not threatened. Americans act as if immigrants are so beneath them. Immigrants are hard workers, just like Americans. Immigrants want better lives for themselves and their families, just like Americans. Americans and immigrants are not the only ones who want these things. People all around the world want what is best for everyone they know. Most people will do whatever it takes to get to what they need; even if it is in life threatening conditions. Signs Preceding the End of the World challenges our ethics by placing the reader in the mind of an illegal immigrant, allowing the reader to know the true feelings and experience of the immigrant.
In fairy tales, children are pushed into ovens, have their hands chopped off, are forced to sleep in coal bins, and must contend with wolves who've eaten their grandmother. In myths, rape, incest, all manner of gruesome bloodshed, child abandonment, and total debauchery are standard fare. We see more of the same in Bible stories, accentuated with dire predictions of terrors and abominations in an end of the world apocalypse that is more horrifying than the human imagination can even grasp.
Based on the individual factor construct of the framework it is assumed that knowingly or unknowingly an individual may use a set of philosophical assumption as a basis for making ethical decisions. The philosophical assumptions about ethics are divided into two basic types – teleological and deontological (Beauchamp and Bowie 1979). We can assume that Courtland Kelley exhibited teleological behavior
In Stephanie Ericsson’s essay, “The Ways We Lie”, she discusses the different circumstances in which people lie and describes the types of lies that are commonly used. The author argues that some lies aren’t very severe, and often times are necessary, whereas others can prove to be harmful in the long run and can exact harsh consequences. ( 315 ) Ericsson uses examples in which these lies are presented such as with business acquaintances, politicians or friends and even a priest who breaks ethical code. Ericsson poses the question that if she decided not to lie, if she would be less tolerant of lies told to her. (322) So why do we lie and allow people to lie to us? Does society encourage us to lie or is it
From the very beginning of our childhood, we have been taught by our parents never to lie. They always told us that lying is never good and the outcome of a lie is worse than the lie itself. But what if parents have been wrong? What if the outcome of a lie could be positive? Selfless lies that have good intentions and are used to benefit the greater good are referred to as “good lies”.
Common sense seems to dictate that truths are always better than lies. In his lecture “A Lesson in Lying,” Michael Sandel discusses the categorical duty to tell the truth. He illustrates German philosopher, Immanuel Kant’s rigorous theory of morality, which allowed for no exceptions. “Kant believed that telling a lie, even a white lie, was a violation of one's own dignity.” Sandel experiments Kant's theory with his vigorous hypothetical scenario, The Killer at Your Door: “If your friend were hiding inside your home and a person intent on killing him came to your door and asked you where he was, would it be wrong to tell a lie?”
There is much speculation as to who the Antichrist. I know him to be an evil alliance, a deceiver, a murder, liar, a man, or sinister individual or any individual who denies the Person of Christ; and in denying the Son you deny the Father. Some are saying his appearance is still in the future. Others say he appeared long ago in the days of ancient Rome. The bible doesn’t give us any specifics as who and where the antichrist will come from. But does indicate that he is alive today and will play a vital role in the final events of Earth’s history.
A significant form of interpersonal communication that plays an enormous role in relationships is lying. Lying has evolved into a frequent practice in today’s society. Even though, lying seem to be fond upon, we all have done it multiple times for not just our benefit but for others. In relationships, lying is turned from a negative to positive act depending on the circumstances. It seems as if, you lie in attempt to help another person it’s celebrated than if you lie for your benefits. Lying is known to only mislead or give a false impression in which the false hood can only cause negative acts. Why does one enange in lying if the outcome is negative? The most found reason that people find themselves lying is because of the truth. It is said that many people lie because long-term the truth is worse than the short-term lie. Lying is judged off its cost and benefits. In each situation, there will be outcomes when it comes to the lies being told. Lying to those you have impersonal connection with has less of an impact than those you have an interpersonal relationships. Those that has an impersonal relationships is nearly never affected by the lies told because normally they do not see that person as often as those with the close bonds. I understand that lying can be beneficial in relationship of any kind, but I personally feel that the truth is preferred. There are two consequences that puts strain on the relationship. Termination is the last step in a relationship; there are
Lying the one form of communication that is the untruth expressed to be the truth. Immanuel Kant states that lying is morally wrong in all possible ways. His hatred for lying has made him “just assumed that anyone who lied would be operating with a maxim like this: tell a lie so as to gain some benefit.”(Landau,pp.171) This is true for a vast number of people, they will lie in order to gain a certain benefit from the lie rather than the truth.It is similar to if you play a game of truth or dare, some rather pick a dare because it would release them from having to tell the truth. However, those who do pick truth still have a chance to lie to cover up the absolute truth.People lie in order to cover who they truly are. Even if you lie to benefit someone or something else, it would not matter to Kant because he does not care for the consequences. If you lie but have a good intention it is not the same for Kant, he would argue that you still lied no matter the consequence that a lie is a lie. “ While lying, we accuse others for not being transparent. While being hypocrites ourselves, we expect others to be sincere.” (Dehghani,Ethics) We know how it feels to be lied to by a person, so in order to not have the feeling returned, we hope the person will be truthful. We rather be surrounded by truthful people constantly despite all the lies that some people tell. No
Likewise, care should be taken that truth that’s spoken for self-satisfaction does not impair someone else’s life. Similarly, we should always bear in mind that at times lie can also be beneficial to say if, it brings happiness to others. Hence, if the truth is spoken with the purpose of destruction of something or someone then
I also agree that we should think before we act. First, we tell lies to avoid hurting the feelings of someone. Words are very powerful so when we are friends with someone and we know that they are hurting we usually tell white lies to make them feel better. In addition, we tell lies to protect their own feelings. If we know that a lie can make a person happy then go for it even though it is bad because we love them and we will do everything for them. Second, we tell lies to avoid getting into trouble. An example is we prevent physical and mental harm. A situation that is proper to this is when we are in danger; obviously we need to tell numerous lies to protect ourselves from getting hurt. Third, we tell lies to avoid losing someone. We tend to lie because the truth might ruin our relationship with the person even though we know that when we lie to someone, we already ruin the relationship we have with them. Moreover, gaining the trust of a person is very hard; we tend to push them away because some of us have trust issues, so when we finally gained that trust we are afraid to
Throughout each life stage I have encountered weather it being the past future or present I have faced and will face changes. The changes are influenced by the developmental stage, developmental tasks, psychosocial crisis, and central process for resolving crisis, radius of significant relationships, and the coping strategies I have adapted to. Within these aspects previously listed that have influenced me in the past, present, and in the future I have successes and barriers that have also shaped me into the person I am in my present stage. By way of example, the psychosexual theory and the social learning theory draw relation to my development and experiences that have shaped my development through my life stages. Upon the early adolescence, later adolescence, and early adulthood life stages I have encountered have helped structure the development I have in my present life stage.