Telemedicine is a new technology in which medical information are being exchanged from one place to another through some electronic communications to develop patients the status of a patient health. Telemedicine is the most newest technology which join at the same time telecommunication and technology for the solution of medical [1]. It gives a new technique to deduce health care services when there are many miles between the hospital office or doctor and patient. Rural area will get the advantages from this application. Controlling patients one of the new technology, this always requires enhancement to make it better. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines telemedicine as: The carry out of medical care using intervention of visual and audio, communication of information with medical care deduce, treatment, diagnosis and consultation, as fine as education and transmitting of medical data. Another, Bauer and Ringel explains telemedicine as: Telemedicine is the collective use of telecommunications and workstation technologies to improve the proficiency and success of health care service by liberating caregivers from traditional limits of time and place by empowering clients to make informed choices. The advantage of the method of controlling sick people is that it can reduce the possibility of infection and other difficulties so as to make the sick person at ease. In addition, implement of monitoring patients in hospitals might cut off the costs in terms of installation
The Telehealth services will include the use of technology to deliver telemedicine. The budget will fund the hospital with videoconferencing software, computers, webcams, and trained employees to set up and document the process. The equipment will allow physicians or patients to consult virtually with other physicians and specialists. Instead of missing a day of work or school and commuting hours for an appointment with a specialist, patients will be able to visit their local hospital and consult with the specialist via technology. Consultations, examinations, and monitoring are services that can easily be provided through
Telehealth Introduction Telehealth is the use of technology for the exchange of health information in a two way communication from one location to another using a variety of tools or applications. Tools and applications such as smart phone devices, video conferencing, emails, and other wireless applications are used for the convenience and improvement of delivery of healthcare. It has the advantage of connecting healthcare personnel and primary care provider with patients and provides knowledge through the network system regarding patient care and monitoring (Katzman, 2013). Telehealth is a cost effective way for the Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP) to have the ability to reach a wider geographical area and broader populations.
The benefits of telehealth consultations are immeasurable; clients are able to access a knowledgeable health care professional and receive a telephone triage/assessment and recommendations. This allows the patient to have immediate access to good health advice and quicker solutions. Telemedicine is one of the many vehicles of telehealth; for example, the cardiologist orders an outpatient Holter Monitor trial to evaluate arrhythmias. The technician calls the patient at the sign of any abnormal rhythm and investigate the activity performed when the reading fluctuation then the reported is communicated to the cardiologist. If warranted, the cardiology staff will contact the patient with instructions schedule an immediate appointment. Telehealth services resources would benefit the client in this next example, an individual’s come in for a sick visit expecting a prescription to be written for their illness; they receive informative instructions because of the nature of the
Telehealth services refers to the exchange of health information and services through telecommunication services in order to support anyone, at any time, in any location. Telehealth systems allows doctors to be in one place and treat patients in rural or urban areas – such as their homes or any another providers premises. The technology behind such concept is particularly helpful for patients with trouble leaving the house, or that live in remote areas from specialists (Narisi, 2013)
The delivery of health care has always been influenced by technological developments and innovations. This is particularly true in modern health care professionals where they are obsessed with technology and rush to apply them. One of the most recent applications of ICT – Information and computer technology- is telehealth. Telehealth is the use of communication, diagnostic and information technology to provide health care when patients and providers are geographically separated [2], Technologies include videoconferencing, the internet, store -and-forward imaging, streaming media, terrestrial and wireless communications. Telehealth could be as simple as two health professionals discussing a case over the telephone or as
What is telemedicine? According to the American Telemedicine Association, “Formally defined, telemedicine is the use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications to improve a patient’s clinical health status. Telemedicine includes a growing variety of applications and services using two-way video, email, smart phones, wireless tools and other forms of telecommunications technology.” They
Telemedicine is the use of telecommunication and information technologies in order to provide clinical health care at a distance. It helps eliminate distance barriers and can improve access to medical services that would often not be consistently available in distant rural communities.
In today’s time, the Internet is really altering the way us Americans intermingle with the healthcare system. The Internet is making consumers more desirable to use it, in hopes for more opportunities. With the help from the Internet, telemedicine is becoming one of the best cultivating advanced technology in healthcare right now. Telemedicine can be defined as the use of medical information that is exchanged from one site to another (americantelemed, 2012). This process utilizes technology and digital communication in order to help patients’ progress. Important aspects of telecommunication include video, email, mobile devices, and more. So, in a nutshell telemedicine allows patients to communicate with their assigned physician about any
Telehealth is an innovative approach to health care that is rapidly expanding in all areas of patient care. It has been shown to be cost effective and is rapidly being integrated into everyday practices from clinics, hospitals, court systems, school systems and even the local drug store.
Through Information Communication Technology (ICT) provides patient with hands on health care services. This will allow the patient
Although, available to the patient free of charge for learning about health and medical problem to consult for clinical service require an operations infrastructure of networks for management and accountability of healthcare information technology (HIT). As stated in the beginning HIT is the relationship of telemedicine and practicing medicine for cost management that enable efficient and effective care for
Telemedicine is similar to Telehealth. Telehealth refers to a broader scope of remote healthcare service but Telemedicine refers specifically to remote clinical services. Telehealth can also refer to remote non-clinical services. For example provider training and meetings (link 3). In the past the network is not as fast as now, thus telemedicine is only use in clinical services. Now, due to the development of network, more information can be transferred in a shorter period, thus Telemedicine can be to provide other non-clinical services. The word “Telehealth” refers to both clinical and non-clinical services.
Secondly, it is made the work easily and flexibly which doctors do not need to stay all the time in front of the office due to they can be answered the inquiries by the internet, which takes less time to do it ( Benefits 2011). Next, it is helped the sick people especially who are stayed in hospital to contact with nurses and doctors by using unified communication, which mean allow to hospitals to do one big safe network contain more kinds of communication such as, computers, internet, voice and video (Dr. Sands, D 2008). Then, hospitals use a specific website which allow to sick people to know if they work or not and find all information about the hospital such as, what is the hospital for. Finally, a lot of people use the communication technology to organise their lives such as, some application to add suggestions for their diet ( 2011).
Telemedicine is the use telecommunications and information technology to provide healthcare to patients located in the remote or distant locations. For example: people staying in the mountainous areas or islands can get medical services right at their home with the help of smart devices or patients who cannot go to the hospital for some reason.
All the leaders will be contacted in the first three months of the project. All contracts and arrangements will be made. The project will plan for a conference. All leader participants will be invited to a two day conference. The education material will be prepared for the two groups of leaders. The first day, information will be provided to non-clinician and clinician leaders. The second day, information of clinical guidelines and electronic tracking and surveillance system will be explained to clinician leaders. The electronic system will be implemented with a central command and applications for each clinician leader participant. That system will connect the patient accucheck, the doctors’ clinic,