
Teens Getting Birth Control Without Parental Consent Essays

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Student House
ENG 101
Mrs. Johnson
20 November 2012

Teens Getting Birth Control Without Parental Consent Currently Teenagers are trying to grow up too quickly. They want to be just like the TV characters they idolize and will change themselves to do so. There are shows on TV like “16 and pregnant” that basically insinuate; if you have sex and get pregnant then you will get paid to be on television. Most teens do not go to their parents for birth control because they are afraid. In general teenagers do not want their parents knowing they are having sex. Having access to birth control, with or without the parents permission, can be a touchy subject. With this point, getting birth control without parental consent is a debatable …show more content…

Each shot prevents pregnancy for three months. The shot can be taken in the butt, arm or thigh (Birth control methods). Of course there are plenty more methods but the most popular form of birth control would be the pill. It is an oral drug that must be taken by mouth once every day. Most people would argue that being able to buy birth control as a teen would be good because teen pregnancies would drop. However this does not guarantee teenage pregnancies will drop. If even one pill is forgotten or lost the effectiveness of the pills decrease immensely. This is why having a parent to maybe remind you might be a good thing. “Statistics show only 35% of teenagers use condoms even though they have access to them.” (Minors Access to Contraceptive Services) The problem is that condoms can also be ineffective due to teens using them improperly or simply not using them at all. A secondary form is always a good extra measure in most cases. To prevent teen pregnancies and the spread of STD’s the practice of safe sex is a necessity. Condoms will protect you from STDs better than not using one at all. STDs affect more teens than teenage pregnancies. If safe sex is not practiced, certain forms of STD’s can later cause more severe problems like cancer or even HIV. The most common case from HPV is cervical cancer to girls (Cervical Cancer Soars in Young: Rise in Unprotected Sex Sees Cases Soar.) If young females had a parent

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