
Teenagers and their Credit Cards

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Teenagers and their Credit Cards

Availability of credit cards have left young people in debt. College-age students and low-income consumers, typically deemed bad risks, are easy targets for credit card companies. Credit card companies should not target college-age students and low-income consumers because of their lack of financial stability. In 1996, twenty-something consumers owed an average of $2,400 on their credit cards, nearly triple what they owed in 1990, according to research by Claritas Inc., a marketing research firm in Virginia. If, payments of $75 were made monthly to pay off a $2,400 debt, it would take 3-1/2 years with a 16 percent-rate card, and …show more content…

More parents than ever are sending their teenagers to shopping malls and movie theaters with a piece of plastic instead of pocket change. "Marketing to students is definitely working, as many of them end up signing for as many as five to six credit cards," say Don Blandin, president of the American Savings Education Counsel (ASEC). A 1999 survey by ASEC found that 55% of all college students and 7% of high school students have a major credit card. And nearly a third do not pay their bills in full each month.

Experts don't agree about when and how to introduce kids to credit cards. Teens younger than 18 can only get a credit card if their parents co-sign for it.

Credit card companies are courting increasingly younger customers who are all too eager to

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