
Teenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy

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According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) the 2011 birth rate for teens was 31.3 births per 1000 women aged 15–19, a record low for the United States. However, there are many ways to reduce the amount of teenage pregnancies (Trudeau). The United States has a problem of teenage pregnancy occurring with the most occurring in the capital Washington D.C. where there are a diverse group of teenagers (Dawani). This shows that our nation has a problem of teenage pregnancy, but the most is in a well civilized area in our nation. Studies have shown that The highest rate of teenage pregnancy in a developed country occurs in the United States with the rate of teenagers being twice as likely to give birth compared to teens in Canada and ten times as likely as teens in Switzerland showing that a diverse population has an effect on social behaviors (Dawani). Our nation needs to find ways to decrease the alarming statistic. Studies have shown there has been a decrease in teenage pregnancies.A recent article has shown the teen pregnancy rate is down nearly 40 percent and the teen birth rate has been cut by one-third since the early 1990s, but the problem is still occurring today (Dawani). Teenage pregnancy in the United States is a problem with many causes such as lack of education from parents and the education system, media influences, and the cost of contraception used and many solutions to stop the epidemic. One cause of teenage pregnancy is lack of education from

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