
Teen Suicide Essay

Decent Essays

Teen Suicide
By: Maren Wade and Ashley Jones

Suicide is one of the highest cause of death around the world. Everyday there are about 121 suicides. Suicides are more dominant in Asia and Eastern Europe having about 28.6 suicide deaths per 100,000 people. While South Korea is second having 26.3 suicide deaths per 1000,000 people. Over 1 million people a year commit suicide, so in every 40 seconds 1 person commits suicide. That’s about 3,000 deaths a day.

Methods of Teen Suicide There are many different methods for a teen to kill themselves. About 65% of suicide is caused by a gun. Another common method for teens to kill themselves is to overdose. Overdoses are very harmful, and it’s when someone takes many pills at the same time that they are not supposed to have. Remember that overdosing can happen anywhere. When it comes to gender guys are more likely to commit suicide than girls actually they think about suicide 4 times as much as girls do. Guys and girls will kill themselves by overdosing, cutting, hanging, using a gun, jumping from heights and using firearms.
What to look for before teen suicide
There are things you can look for if you are suspicious that someone is trying to commit suicide. For insistence if a happy person suddenly becomes sad all the time and starts drifting away from friends and family, also signs to look for are if someone wears long sleeved shirts in summer or spring. Lastly a sign you

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