
Teen Stress

Decent Essays

Everyone has experienced stress no matter how big or small, but in teens the constant stress affects them in more ways. Stress causes teens today do not apply themselves fully in both their academics and sports. A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association states that 45% of teens suffer from stress caused by school pressures(American Psychological Association, Feb. 11, 2014). These pressures could include anything from getting good grades to becoming the best player on the field. Teens often stress about their workload assigned by the teachers, their school activities, and their jobs; wondering how they will have time for any other social outlet or more importantly, sleep. With nine to ten hours recommended for sleep and an eight hour school day, this leaves seven to eight hours for teens to participate in school’s clubs or sports, work, eat dinner, do their homework, shower, spend time with their family, and to socialize with their peers. If teens continue to become stressed, they will give up and not apply themselves to their full potential, which could cause poor grades and a dislike of the school environment. When teens can only associate school with the cause of their stress, they most likely will not want to continue their studies in the future. In fact, 32.1% of students dropped out because of their workload and 36.6% dropped out because they did not enjoy school (National Dropout Prevention, 2013). Assuming that these statistics will rise, not

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