
Teen Clinic Interview Essay

Decent Essays

In April of 2015, I was called for an interview for an internship at the Valley Community Teen Clinic. Surprised by the news that they selected my application I decided to start preparing for my interview with the help of my mentors at Upward Bound. The day of the interview finally arrived, as nervous as I was, I tried my best to remain calm and collective. Several questions were asked and I used the best of my abilities to convey that I was right for the position. The interview ended with a formal handshake and smile. Later that week, I received a call from the director of the clinic giving me the good news that I had anxiously hoped for. Only nine others and I were selected to be apart of the program, out of one hundred and fifty prospective …show more content…

Based on my performance and experience I had gained as an intern, I was shortly hired after as a WPP. Today, now nine months of working at the teen clinic, I assist the physicians by doing the patient's intake and cover as a secretary, when needed. Over time, with the persistence and the right motivation, I was able to master my job. Through the experience I gained as a WPP, I learned to be more approachable to all types of patients. As the reasons for their visits can be overwhelming and rather emotional for them and how all patience are unique in their own ways. Furthermore, having the right attitude can make a difference in a patient’s level of comfort. From being a patient’s health provider, my mission every time I am at the clinic is to help each patient understand their options pertaining to their sexual health, as well as assisting them with making comfortable decisions. As for my aspirations, by working with the younger generations through the teen clinic has led me one step closer to my dream occupation. From interacting with patients and physicians, this opportunity has given me the experience and first hand knowledge that is essential to be able to thrive in the work force and as a positive contributor to my community. Through this internship and experience of employment, I have learned various tools such as exposing myself to some of the medical issues teens face in my generation and most importantly how by doing my job everyday I make a difference in my peers

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