
Teen Brain Still Under Construction Research Paper

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The true description of teenagers are people who are treated like children but are expected to act like adults. Although, based on scientific study, neuromaturation is the functional development of the central nervous system, which causes teenagers to act on irrational behaviors. Would anyone allow a blind dog run across a street? Of course not! So why would parents let their teenager choose a path that will either break or make their future. In reference of, the film,The teen brain: Still under construction,”The brain isn’t fully developed until the age of 25.” The discussion of teenagers being able to choose for themselves is acceptable, although there are more reasonable facts that suggest teenagers shouldn’t choose. Many postulate, teens do not yet sympathize the ramification of making a poor decision. …show more content…

According to, The Teen Brain Still Under Construction,”In terms of the sheer intellectual power, the brain of an adolescent is a match for an adult”. In essence, the brains of fledgling children match the perceptive capability of an adult. Based on statistics, 72% of parents accede with endorsing their child to initiate their future outcome. Through over dependance on their parents, teens cannot manage by themselves, therefore making their adult lives problematic. Guardians must acknowledge that their youngsters need to scrutinize the world in their own perspective in order to be conscious on the way the whole shebang works. For instance, through actions and consequences, the youth can evolve into a more complex and accomplished young adults. As said in, The Teen Brain Still Under Construction,”The capacity of a person to learn will never be greater than during adolescence.” Eventually through entrapment, the developing adolescent may become uncommunicative to the outside

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