Aliens, love: where are they?
The topic I chose from the ted talk, is regarding outer space and the question if there are any other life forms out in the universe besides what we already know? This Ted Talk regards aliens, physics, time, space and how it all coordinates with how humans fall in love. This presentation is a great informative insightive speech that sparks my interest in the unknown, it allows me to use my imagination to come up with the answers and possible reality that aliens could infact exist and maybe that we aren’t crazy. No one knows if they are or not so nobody truly is right or wrong on the matter but here is why I beleive the speaker and why his speech was solid. The speech takes place in a auditorium full of
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John explains, Enrico was the creator of the world’s first nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1. Enrico is known as the Architect of the Nuclear Age. John describes Enrico, as a possible alien and even does a side by side comparison with Enrico and a alien pictures. John speaks of Enrico as being one of the many scientist that the New Mexico govenment talked with in 1950 when many people believed that a flying saucer crashed into one of the structures in New Mexico. But however many scientist and the New Mexico govenment came to the conclusion that it was just a hot-air balloon that crashed, of course there were many people who didn’t belive the findings were true. John uses logos to make the listners understand that there is no way a fling saucer could be spotted and seen crashing, scientists get involved and now its just a hot air balloon crash? No, doesn’t add up is the reaction he gave the audience. Which made them wonder the same. John made the listjers think and use their minds to try and put the puzzle pieces togeher and maybe spark something in their minds. He also uses ethos to make you unerstand that Enrico wasn’t just some scientist who got lucky and somehow created a world reknown system that changed society. No he explains that Enrico was a very smart, and ahead of his time type of scientist who was a huge factor i …show more content…
John describes in great detail events and circumstances that happend to him that makes him believe that aliens do exsist. I to do believe in the exsistence of other beings in this world. Even though scientist haven’t completley proven that aliens do exsist some events that happen to people can’t be explained. Many unexplained bright lights or signals have been detected and never investigated to see what it might have been. I myself have never witnessed any alien sightings but due to the size of this universe it seems likely other forms of life would exsist or have exsisted before and not necessaryily in human form. I have seen strange things like, shooting lights i the sky and one time I actually seen like some sorft of spaceship in the sky but it happend so quick that not many people had seen it with me even though I was in a group of about 5 at the time. So there is my input on
Why is impaired driving an issue and why should you care? You are only as safe as the other drivers on the road. If there was an impaired driver on the road that was distracted and, for example, ran a red light, and you were the car who was just following the rules and going through a green light, and they hit you, you are now hurt and have to deal with this issue. Impaired driving does not just affect the driver who is impaired but also others who are on the road as well. Impaired driving is a very serious and dangerous issue that many people are charged and prosecuted for. The six basic types of impaired driving are alcohol, advance
Parading on the outskirts of Mobile while dressed up as a Chickasaw chief is how one man became an important factor in the history of Mobile, Alabama, in the mid 1800’s. Now, a day set aside for this man, parades with floats, beads, moonpies, and loud music remind Mobilians of their favorite time of the year, Mardi Gras. The carnival celebration of Mardi Gras has played a big role in the history of the southern cities Mobile, Alabama, and New Orleans, Louisiana, but the history that everyone believes about the carnival and the people that have contributed to it is not always as true as it seems.
I just don’t simply believe it because there is a lot of evidence that shows there is no extraterrestrial life. Even in the past few years since HD cameras on your phone have become available for everyone UFO “sightings” have gone down tremendously. It might be though that people are just looking down at their phones so much though that people are never looking up anymore.
Recently Ted Cruz and Donald Trump came to Indiana to campaign for the upcoming Indiana Primary on May 3. Ted Cruz decided to come to Jockamo's Pizza down the street from the Greenwood Middle School. I decided to go. I am not a Ted Cruz supporter, but it was still fun to be able to see him in person rather than on TV. Once we got there it was not very crowded but there was a line from the entrance down the patio. My mom looked to see if we could get a better view and we did. We were able to be about 10-20 feet away from Ted Cruz. Once he got out of his bus he, went straight over to the press to give a short speech. Then he went 20 people down from us and shook hands with them and talked to some people. Once he got out many people and press
We live in a universe that is about 46 billion light years old. In a world, as massive as ours there must be some form of extraterrestrial life out in the galaxy. For thousands of years ancient peoples, such as the Greeks, have wondered the same question. Are we alone? As our technology advances, things such as videos and photographs are surfacing of people claiming to see such alien life. Whether it is an unidentified flying object, or if it’s from someone claiming to see an actual alien, there are thousands of people that believe they have seen proof. Some also claim that the government is hiding things behind our backs, like the Roswell UFO incident for example. Though many people refuse to believe in the existence of alien life forms until they see evidence, the fact that multitudes of people have eye-witness accounts, the improbability that we are alone, and the idea that we have thought of aliens so long, bring forth the evidence that proves something is out there.
Visual illusions is the most common regarding UFO’s sightings because what the person might be seeing can just be a visual illusion and not an actual UFO. This plays a huge role in UFO sightings because most UFO sightings are seen from very far away, making it possible that what most people are seeing is the strong effect of a visual illusion in the sky. For instance, an illusion known as the airplane illusion states that familiar size determines the apparent size and distance of the plane or in this case an object in the sky ( Hershenson & Samuels, 1999). For example, the fact that we are familiar with a plane and expect it to be a certain size and certain speed affects how we perceive the size and speed of the objects in the sky. Therefor, this may affect how we see lights or other objects such as a balloon that seem far away and moving either fast or slow in the
With all our knowledge of everything around us, overwhelming as it may be, there are still a lot of aspects that are unknown to even the smartest scientists. Did you know that humans know only 5% of the entire universe? Yes, everything we know about the Earth, the Milky Way, and all the planets is barely even a fourth of what comprises the entirety of the universe. Knowing that, it would be illogical to say that the creatures on Earth are the only forms of life in the universe. Today I will tell you about unidentified object sightings, close
On October,19,2017 I watched a Ted Talk Called “ Dangers of a single story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. She spoke about her life in Nigeria before she studied abroad in The United States of America and the dangers of knowing 1 side of the story this is also known as ‘Bias’. After watching Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Ted talk, I believe not everyone in Africa lives in poverty, stereotypes in Children 's books cause unrealistic ideas of reality and the media fabricates news to generate views and labels specific groups of people.
Witnesses say that they had seen UFO and have evidence to prove it. On July 3, 1947, Dan Wilmot and his wife were sitting on his porch when he saw a bright light. When he stared at it he saw a flying saucer. He said
Aliens and life beyond earth has been a mystery for a long time. Many people and scientist have been looking for life outside of Earth, or just floating in the sky trying to get video of it. For all of human history we have been looking for extraterrestrial life, and these are the major events of finding, debunking, and moving forward to life on earth
“Extraordinary encounter have been reported for as long as human beings have been around, and they are richly documented in the world’s folklore and mythology(xi Clark,Jerome).” So are aliens and UFOs real or are they fake. The human society of the United States of America does not say. From our new technological advances we may be able to prove differently. UFO’s and aliens may be proven by many types of evidence. Some questions that come to mind may be; what is the public’s unknowing about aliens and UFOs’? Are there agencies that support the existence of UFOs’ and Aliens? What has caused suspension about Aliens and UFOs’ existence.
Millions of people have claimed to see or experience something paranormal and out of the ordinary. Even if most of them can be explained away, that still leaves a lot of unexplainable objects in the sky and unexplainable sightings of other worldly beings. UFO sightings have been reported all over the world, not just the U.S.A. A flying disc was seen by pilots, crew members, and a bunch of other people at the Chicago O'Hare Airport in November, 2006. The whole story was shown on CNN January 6, 2007.
Some example that UFOs are real is the recent UFO sightings from 1900’s to 2016. . For example Disc UFO reported hovering over West Virginia bridge. This is a story about a witness who saw a disc-shaped UFO before it shot off into the sky. The witness says “I just pulled in to park so we could wait and before I could even put my car in park, I see an object in the sky,” At first the witness thought that the object was someone who lived beside the river and they were shining a spotlight. The witness also stated this ““But it was just so spherical in shape and it was bright. This thing was just hovering right over the river moving from left to right slowly. I was left speechless watching.” Later the object began to move and the object started to melt and in a blink of an eye the mysterious object disappeared. Another story is a witness that recounts an UFO encounter near military base. This is a story about a witness who seen a big piece of plastic or a parkette as the were heading toward the military base. She says that”the edges of the object were kind of fluttering around on the edges, but it can’t be because it’s standing about 20 feet high off the road.’ It also had a white light that was either coming from behind or from inside of the object. I didn’t see any direct light. It seemed to be all indirect.” She also said this”When we reached a distance of about 100 yards, my friend slowed down and stopped the car. Just as we opened the doors, the object changed shape! It quickly changed into a cone shape. The white light brightened and then streaked straight up with a popping sound scattering dirt and rocks out from the area. The craft left our sight almost instantly and didn’t return.” This tells us from when the aliens and UFO are still real and happen in our
For half a century the subject of UFO has been discussed by scientists, ecologists, politicians, and common people around the world. It seems paradoxical, but the main question of their discussion concerns existence or non-existence of UFO itself, so many people is not sure that the very subject of their debate really exists. I share the opinion of those who do not believe in UFO saying that this phenomenon has not been scientifically proved, and everything its adherents operates is conjecture and fantasy, and disconnected stories of those who allegedly have seen UFO are far from scientific explanation of the event.
I am so delighted to be a part of the blog tour for Lisa Dickenson’s new book, You Had Me at Merlot. Here's my review of the book!