
Ted Mosby How I Met Your Mother Essay

Satisfactory Essays

“How I Met Your Mother” accounts the life of aspiring architect, Ted Mosby, as he searches for the love of his life in New York City. The show is narrated by Ted, who is telling his kids the stories of his life which led up to him meeting their mother. One halloween, Ted attends a party dressed as a hanging chad. At this party, he meets a woman named Naomi dressed as a pumpkin whom he believes to be his soul mate. However, Ted loses the Naomi’s number, and so he returns to the same party every year in hopes to find the her in a pumpkin costume. Years later, Ted sees the same pumpkin costume in the window of a halloween store. He convinces the store’s owner to show him the records of everyone who has rented the costume. Ted shows up at Naomi’s

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