
Technology In The Cold War Essay

Better Essays

Technologies of the Cold War Technologies played an important role in our lives before and right now. The development of the science and technology promoted the progress of the society. The wide spread of using electricity boosted economy around the world; the invention of the telephone made people’s communication become easier; airplanes make people travel longer distances in shorter times. As same as other time period in the history, during the Cold War, the great inventors from different countries invented better weapons and things to make their country win the war. Those new weapons and technologies changed the strategies used by the commanders, the way the soldiers fight, and the form of the war. Technologies certainly affect the war.
The Cold War period was a time that a lot of countries needed to develop their science and technology. They needed new weapons to win the war, and their commanders could not confine themselves with those old tactics that were already known by their enemies. In order to win, lots of changes were made and they affected not just the arms race and the space race, but also research in agriculture, biomedicine, computer science, ecology, meteorology, and other fields. Many people find that …show more content…

Under the leadership of President John F. Kennedy, they launched Apollo program and put the first man on the moon in 1961. Later, a Gemini program was also launched, under which the Americans learned how to change the orbit of a spacecraft and how the human body would be affected. Another significant development would be the launch of Apollo 11 spacecraft to the space on July 16, 1969, with crew astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins who moved to the Lunar module, called the Eagle, and began their descent to the Moon. With this fist step on the moon, Armstrong said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for

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